February 15, 2012
Today’s entry will be a little more picture-laden because I forgot to include all the other pictures I took of my Tamago-Chu pair on Valentine’s Day. I will get to that shortly.
Tamagotchi iD L
As soon as Junichi woke up, he made his bed, brushed his teeth, had some breakfast, and made his way over to the matchmaker, where the lovely Meloditchi was waiting for him. They were married in a beautiful wedding ceremony and went on their honeymoon shortly afterward. Junichi came home with the egg, which carried the lovely couple’s new son. I named him Kazuhiro (“prosperous one”).

Now, I was a little worried that I got Nittobotchi because more often than not, I get the toddler Kaubotchi from him. If that happens, I would get another repeat adult character. So it was really important to me to try for Furutsupantchi, which is doable, just less likely. According to posts I’ve seen over at Tama Zone, if you take perfect care of Nittobotchi, you could get Furutsupantchi. I still think there’s somewhat of a random element in the toddler you get but I was willing to try anything out and see if it would work. The way I did it is that I tried to catch Kazuhiro’s wiggle dance as much as I could; I think I ended up missing only 2 out of that entire hour. I also made sure that he didn't have more than 2 hunger bowls empty, and I cut back on the sweets and played the built-in games with him instead.

Well, it worked because sure enough, he evolved into Furutsupantchi after an hour!

This is great, because now I can try for the last male adult character I haven’t gotten: Bokutchi. This requires getting at least 2 care misses in the toddler stage to get Happabouyatchi, and then 4 care misses in the teen stage. We’ll see how things go!
Akio made the big trip to the matchmaker today as well. He married the lovely Furawatchi and they had a baby girl.

Precious father-daughter moments 
To be continued...