This topic is being closed for a variety of reasons;
1. Some posters are taking it way off topic, talking about other things besides thier oldest living tama/longest living Angel.
2. it is impossible for one generation Angel to live as long as is stated in the first post. Here is why;
a)2 LR44 batteries cannot last, continuosly running, for more than a few months.
b ) Angels do not have a download button to get back a character one the batteries die.
c)At mid-teens, an angel becomes extremely needy, and by thier 20's, they are near impossible to keep up with.
d)The twins (FutagoTenshi) appear at about 6-8 years old. Not later. The line that reads "...Recently turned in to the hard to get twins...." in the first post cannot be accurate.
My apologies if this reasoning sounds a bit harsh, however, we are here to give out as accurate information as we can. False Claims and showing off without sensible, undisputable proof is not allowed.