Old Mom with New Tama!


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New member
Feb 3, 2007
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:( I got my son Hunter a Tamagotchi for Christmas and I started taking care of it while he was at school. I loved it so much I got one and now we play together. I am NOT even going to tell you how old I am. I have a couple of questions. If these questions have been answered before, please direct me to the answers. Thanks!

1. How many years does a Tamagotchi live? I have one right now that is 10 but she looks really old (looks alot like the Matchmaker). How do years on a Tama correspond with our ages?

2. When a Tama has a baby why does it go away, does it die or just move on?, where does it go? I am afraid to say yes to love because I know my Tama will go away and I want it to live a long life!

3. Last night my son's Tama died and we had just played with it and fed it about an hour and a half before. Why does this happen?

I'm sure I will think of more questions but I will post them as I think of them. Thanks for any help!


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:( I got my son Hunter a Tamagotchi for Christmas and I started taking care of it while he was at school.  I loved it so much I got one and now we play together.  I am NOT even going to tell you how old I am.  I have a couple of questions.  If these questions have been answered before, please direct me to the answers.  Thanks!
1. How many years does a Tamagotchi live?  I have one right now that is 10 but she looks really old (looks alot like the Matchmaker).  How do years on a Tama correspond with our ages?

2. When a Tama has a baby why does it go away, does it die or just move on?, where does it go?  I am afraid to say yes to love because I know my Tama will go away and I want it to live a long life!

3. Last night my son's Tama died and we had just played with it and fed it about an hour and a half before.  Why does this happen?

I'm sure I will think of more questions but I will post them as I think of them.  Thanks for any help!

Hi, Welcome to TamaTalk! ( :D )

1. Your tamagotchi can live forever, but the number 99 never changes!

2. The tamagotchi parents goes back to the "Tama Planet".

3. I'm pretty sure your tamagotchi died of stravation or sickness. I think when your tamagotchi turns really old, i think their very weak.

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Hi there - welcome to TamaTalk :(

My story is much the same as yours :D

If you have any questions, the best place to post them is in the Help for New Tamagotchi Owners area (forum).

This is where most questions appear - so it may be worth you having a quick look to see if you are duplicating :)

If you can't see your question, you can always use the site's Search Engine: https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/index.php?act=Search

(it's found at the top of the TamaTalk screen in the Extras drop box)

Another area worth reading thru' is the Users Guide to TamaTalk (there's a link below in my signature message) :D

This is a fast track read on how to get the most out of your visits to the site

Hope you and Hunter enjoy visiting TamaTalk :)

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