Old Man Jenkins


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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2006
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[SIZE=14pt] Old Man Howard Jenkins[/SIZE]

One day, old man Howard was walking down the street on his way to the tire store, now knowing where he was going. He walked in with a crazy expression on his face, and exclaimed “What in tarnation is this?!” He picked up a tire, and threw it over his head and on his neck. “What’s this? A scarf! Jolly good ol’ chaps!!” A lot of people, knowing this crazy man, ran to his assistance. “What? Why in tarnation do you feel the need to crowd around me?!” he yelled while shoving people aside with his cane. He then pulled the tire off of his head. He ran out of the store, threw his cane in the air in shame. He then knocked over a stack of tires.

Howard was walking down the street, now heading for what used to be Hugh’s Dentures World, but has now switched loacations with Victoria’s Secret. He walked in yelling, “Why hello Hugh! What’s going on today?! Oh, what are these frilly contraptions?!” He then picked up frilly pink underwear and put it on his head. “I feel like captain underpants! Yoho yoho ah! Ow, I think I threw out my back!!” he screamed with thrill.

He then put the underwear down, and said something to himself. He walked to the lady at the register. “May I help you sir?” “Why yes, I’m here for my fitting!” he said, thinking he was being fit for dentures. “Uh, yes.. What is your name sir?” He scratched his head and thought real hard. “Well, I want to say Tim, but then again maybe it’s Jim.” “Sir, do you have any I.D on you?” He then thought really hard.. “Well, yeah I think I do.. Why do you want to know?” The lady scratched her head and sighed.”So you can tell me your name..” “Oh! Jolly good ol’ chap! Jolly good!” He pulled out his wallet and showed her his I.D. “Sir. Your name is Howard!” “Oh yes! Howard Lemony Jenkins!” The lady sighed and said, “Sir you don’t have a appointment for a bra fitting today..” She was obviously getting tired of his nonsense. He didn’t seem to notice though. “A bra? What is that?! I never heard of no bra!!” He walked out in anger, and then headed for the icecream parlor.


To Be Continued….


So what do you think? Me and Rachel wrote it, and we got the idea from someone else’s story here on TT. We had a great time writing it, and hope you enjoyed it!!

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