Okay, this is getting a bit annoying. x.x


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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2009
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Last year, I decided to skinny jeans, and this kid goes and says "take off those TAPS (Tight azz pants)". Then one day I decided to wear a pink shirt with skinny jeans, and he says "AHH, YOU'RE GAY!". One time after school, he kicks me in the back of my leg and yells "******". Or the other time when I decided to freak him out, I walk up to him, and he says "AH, DON'T TOUCH ME, DON'T TOUCH ME". So this year, I was talking to one of my friends in the hallway, and he goes "look at that ******". Through the whole time he was following me and calling me a ******. Also one day he says "what's up ******". Everytime I stand in the lunch line or in the hallway he calls me it. ORRR the time when I was walking alone, he says "Look at this ******".

It's somewhat funny, and then uncomfortable at the same time.

Well. If his life is following you calling you a ****** he has a very sad life.

Just ask him what his problem is and telling him to get a life, they are cheap on Ebay.

Give him a lovely nickname back, such as "Hey. Look it's *******" :p

Yeah. This is why people love me, I'm so good at giving advice.

I would've said either "Takes one to know one" or "You must really like ******* if you're going to follow one around all the time. Or does that make you one too?". lol, I usually come up with better come backs. ^o^'

I would've said either "Takes one to know one" or "You must really like ******* if you're going to follow one around all the time. Or does that make you one too?". lol, I usually come up with better come backs. ^o^'

I agree with this.

Well. If his life is following you calling you a ****** he has a very sad life.Just ask him what his problem is and telling him to get a life, they are cheap on Ebay.

Give him a lovely nickname back, such as "Hey. Look it's *******" :furawatchi:

Yeah. This is why people love me, I'm so good at giving advice.

Yeah go with Michelle's idea, it PWNs!

Yeah, I bet you look better than them.

Thanks everyone.

Today, I was talking to one of my friends who is his friends, as usual he turned around said ******, and something else.. heck, I forgot.. And then I was talking to my other friend, and he says ****** AGAIN. WTF, lol.

So I... I got this advice from Michelle. xDD

I told him "You're being so gay it's actually turning me on", and I started touching him.. Annnd, what did he do? Nothing, he ignored it, and said ****** 5 seconds later..

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I would've said either "Takes one to know one" or "You must really like ******* if you're going to follow one around all the time. Or does that make you one too?". lol, I usually come up with better come backs. ^o^'
You're epic and I love you. xDD

Seriously, though. I do comebacks all the time. x33 It's the best way to handle things. -shot-

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^ yeah. That's a good idea. Or make a nickname what you know will really get to this guy. Might be cruel, but if he finds this name embarrassing then he will probably wake up and realise that if he continues to call you names, he's gonna keep getting that same name back what he doesn't like. Then he might shut up.

You're epic and I love you. xDD
Seriously, though. I do comebacks all the time. x33 It's the best way to handle things. -shot-
Thanks, lol!

Bash that son of a biscuit's head into a window. xD

Jk, jk. That will get you suspended. But um, tell him that if he doesn't stop that means that he's a "******" too. Maybe that will annoy him...

Sorry, I'm horrible at giving advice. x.x How about a different approach? Here's my new advice: LISTEN TO SK.


I love you SK


anyways, look up some nice insults and/or yo mama jokes. insults.net is the best site ever xD

Well. If his life is following you calling you a ****** he has a very sad life.Just ask him what his problem is and telling him to get a life, they are cheap on Ebay.

Give him a lovely nickname back, such as "Hey. Look it's *******" :)

Yeah. This is why people love me, I'm so good at giving advice.
You should do what VeganCheeseBurgerFTW said. xD

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