Ohhh snip,


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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2009
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I met this friend, who is REALLY awwsum. And I remember her having a friend who was gay, well.. I could sense he was gay, everyday she would talk to me about the things he did, and how awful his class was to him because was gay. They would make him cry, and lose his mind. So, for some strange reason.. I said I was gay too, and she says "..you're G[SIZE=7pt]ay![/SIZE] Note I made the text smaller because she was about to yell, but she calmed herself down. And she's all like I couldn't tell you were gay. Plus, she wrote me this really sweet letter about how awesome I am, and how she wouldn't tell anyone, if I didn't want her too.. So.. now she knows.. It's feel awkward talking to her about other males. *blank stare* Then she tells me "you're my new [insert gay male name here]" Then she talks about how she loves gay males because she loves shopping with them. x.x

And I told one of my other friends who knew the other gay male, and I said.. "You remember.. [insert gay male name here]", and then I said "I'm gay too", and she says. "Aww, you are? Don't worry". Then she hugs me. I wasn't exactly looking at her when I told her this.

On the fact of me telling some people, I feel free, and I don't have to lie anymore. But for the people who think I'm a homosexual, I do "Gay things" just for the lulz.

But I'm scared she might accidentally tell anyone.. I feel really sick, and uncertain right now. I might get hurt!!11

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Hopefully you'll be able to tell more people and come out for good.

I'm glad to see you feeling more comfortable telling people. I am proud :)

^ Me too...

It's great that you've finally had the confidence to tell people. Why be hide it? It's who you are, face your fears.

I'm happy for you! :)

At least it's finally off your chest, and those who you've told are very accepting.

Wishing you the best of luck -- and I hope everything goes well if you tell anybody else. It could be both helpful and hurtful, but let's hope it's helpful, haha.

It must feel good to get it off your chest. ^^ So, um, congrats? Idk if that's the proper thing to say so bare with me. xD

It's great that two good friends know and will keep your secret. It's nice when people are accepting.

Well, congratulations on "coming out"! (At least partially, anyway). I'm sure that it is great to see that not everyone is going to judge you based on your sexuality. ;]

Honestly, you shouldn't worry about what people think. I actually sit with someone who is gay at lunch, and he's amazing. He doesn't care about what other people think and he's always so cheerful. He's a breath of fresh air.

You shouldn't worry about your friend telling other people. She told you she wouldn't, and you should trust her word. However, if she does slip up, I wouldn't be too upset with her. I believe that the more people know about your sexuality, the free-er and happier you will be. :)

So congratulations, this is a big step for you. :]

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I've had a similar problem. You just have to trust them.

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