This is preeety bad, about a month ago my boy friend (who I love more than anything) informed me that one of my friends (let's call him Goatman) has a flaming crush on me. Ever since then, I've kinda been thinking about him a lot, I kinda have a weee little crush on him. I think what made me like him was the fact that he likes me, and I liked the attention. Just now I was on facebook and I saw some girl who wrote on his facebook wall, basically flirting with him. And now I am too angry, jealousy is RAGING through me, (keep in mind that I still love my boyfriend very very much), and with this feeling of jealousy is a feeling of guilt, for being jealous at all. I have a wonderful boyfriend, and I feel guilty about being somewhat attracted to Goatman. Gaaahh horomones
Can anyone else relate to me here, and/or offer advice?
Can anyone else relate to me here, and/or offer advice?