~nya's log!~


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Well-known member
Feb 27, 2006
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[SIZE=14pt]New Account, New Log...[/SIZE]

That's right. I'm not a random newbie! I'm KouhiiTenshi with a new account. Why? I got bored of my username. :rolleyes: So now this is my new account...and THIS *guestures to topic* is my new log! :rolleyes: I'm actually starting at the beginning with babies now. Not like in my other logs when I started with teenagers or adults even. The only adult I have now is my mini.

I have 9 tamagotchis (as this log starts, I may get more later...)! I don't run them all at once though, too much work and stuff, plus some of them I'd NEVER take to school (or they're out of batteries.) I'm running 5 right now, and a friend is borrowing one of them untill she gets a chance to buy her own.

Ones I have:

3 V2s: white w/ fruit rings/lightsavers(active), blue w/ lollipops(active), red w/ jellybeans(will be active, currently it is in the possison of a 7th grader who found it and is going to give it back to me tomorrow)

2 V3s: Silver w/ black (active), blue w/ waves (active)

1 V1: clear orange (friend borrowing untill she buys her own)

1 Mini: Blue w/ rays (active, a Masuktchi, not :rolleyes: , the Gen1 type)

1 Jap. Angelgotchi: Plearly white (out of batteries :rolleyes: The crown jewel of my collection!)

1 Gen: clear w/ blue buttons (inactive)

So yeah! Now, all posts BELOW!

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Well this is my first post! I am now READY TO START UP MY TAMAS.

I've just reset the adults. All of them. I had 4 of them, 2 Hanatchis, 1 Debatchi and 1 Bunbuntchis. Usually I get good characters, but I forgot about them multiple times. But now I'm going to get Mametchi and Furwatchi back! I miss them sooo much!

Anyway! I now have set the time on all of them. The username on my v3s is Depta, after one of my first tamas (2nd tama, first girl, I think.) I had had many before her and her mate Kishu, but they were all v1s that died after the first day or so becuase I didn't know how to take care of them.

Eep, they hatched!

White w/ Fruit Rings v2: BOY! Named Kishu after my old tama!

Blue w/ lollipops v2: GIRL! Named Depta after my old tama!

Blue w/ waves v3: GIRL! Named Rubi!

Silver w/ black v3: BOY! Named Rizn!

What a great surprise! They all will have mates as adults! Kishu and Depta (memories...) and Rubi and Rizn! Squee~!

Now... I'll feed them all and play games... Now they're all happy and full! 14 lbs, no training... just adorable babys just hatched! >3<

Oooh they dropped a heart *fixfix* Now loose weight you fat babys! >w< *works them down to 12 pounds* EEK they pooped! *cleans it, feeds them and plays a game* AHH they got sick! Don't worry, Nyanya's here! *medicine* Kishu seems to be the first to of the four to do anything...Eek Rubi is 14 lbs!...anyway then Depta then Rizn then Rubi. Hmmm 12 pounds is too much. *works them down even more* 10 pounds is double base weight, so...7 should be good. Eek they pooped AGAIN! These things are poop machines! Lost a a hungry and happy heart at once! OHNOES! *foodandgame* Rubi pooped AGAIN. None of the others have yet though. Once they evolve I'll make sure they'll get training using the toddler trick: Exchanging presents untill they--Depta pooped! And Rubi is 3 pounds overweight! *fixes*--give a bad present then punish. I should earn some points later...once they evolve. Then I don't have to worry since toddlers don't loose hearts so fast. Rizn needed to loose some weight. KISHU POOPED! NOOOOOOOOOOO they took their nap and Depta and Rubi slept with their poop! ;___; I'm ubersorry you guys! Still, they're sleeping... *falls back and sighs* Not much more of this baby craziness left! This feels weird...usually I have girls on my silver and white tamas and boys on my blue ones. It feels werid that they're switched. Weeell they're awake now! Rubi pooped AGAIN! Rubi seems to be the one that poops the most. WHOOT! BABY PRAISE! This madness is almost over! Now Depta and Kishu shall go through "Plan Hitodetchi". <_< Let hungry hearts drop 2 before feeding. It works all the time! (But usually I start eariler.) ZOMG! No more ranting for me! Rizn dropped to 1 hungry heart! NOOOOOOOOOOOO! *feedfeedfeed* There, all betta! RUBI POOPED AGAIN! SHE POOPS ALOT MORE THAN THE OTHERS! Anyway, Depta lost her hitodetchi fare *fills* Kishu lost 1 hungry heart *tries to ignore for the sake of hitodetchis* Yay now I can feed him he lost another heart! *feed*

I'm sorry if I'm boring you, but I can't do anything while taking care of the babies but this or else I'll forget about them!

They're all well. Lalala. RUBI POOPED AGAIN. GRR. I hope they evolve soon, the babies are angering me with their needyness. >O< Yeah they're cute, but ANNOYING AS CAN BE.



Kishu is now a HITODETCHI! :mimitchi: (The cutest and awesomest toddler ever has now arrived!)

Depta is now a HITODETCHI! :ph34r: (x2 no less!)

Rizn is now a TAMATCHI! (Eh. I don't like the v3 toddlers too much anyway.)

Rubi is now a TAMATCHI! (Them being twins makes it cuter though!)



Wow, long time no log.

Well anyway I gotta make this quick! I haven't been on because I'm grounded. ;)

Rubi and Rizn are no longer existant! I am going to hatch them in the Starshine Hatching Group later. :( If they're both girls I'll name them Aika and Akari (I just read ARIA, alot of A names in there. :) ) boy and girl they'll be called Rubi and Rizn, and two boys'll be...I dunno yet!

Kishu and Depta were reset because I got really annoyed at them being on the wrong screen...I sorta think of the two as OsuMesus in Gen1, that the girl must be on Mesu (white w/ fruit rings) and a boy must be on Osu (blue w/ lolipops). On the other gens I don't mind as long as they're both the same gender.

I also got my red tam back! Currently a gen2 kuribotchi girl named Akai. Her mom was a Mimitchi named Gaia. (I picked her out of the debug thing.) ^^ This tam is reset alot because I'm bored so the gen changes alot, espically with hyperspeed! ^^

Oh cr*p I'm gonna get caught! Bye!

* Post edited ; slang - not very family friendly*

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! I'm still here. :furawatchi: I'm ungrounded now.

Welllll I forgot to say Kishu and Depta were MA-RU-TCHIS as toddlers, and now...

Depta is a UFO-tchi!

Kishu is a Ringotchi!

Depta has more training than Kishu because she was naughty a few times whne connecting and gave bad presents instead of good. They're all paused right now.

OK now they aren't. =P I'm looking at entamas on ebay and sighing, and saying, IF ONLY I HAD 20 MORE DOLLARS...There's gotta be a quick way to get it. *shifty eyes* And also there's an OsuMesu pair in Jason's store! Again, IF ONLY I HAD 30 MORE DOLLARS....*droooools* I could try to find it around the house or tell my parents I'll do something outrageuosly not fun for a week or so if they get me an entama...I'm looking at the Cafe Brown, Night Sky but mostly MOMIJI ORANGE ones. I'd have to get a Momiji Orange of ebay though, they dun have it on yesasia. (Curse you yesasia! I want one of those!) JASON HAS ONE THOUGH! mine mine mine don't steal. *shifty eyes*

OK I just made a long rant about entamas. o_O But they are worth it. >W< now, how to get some money.... *goes to go find spare change*

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