Note passing


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Nov 27, 2008
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United States, stalking you. Turn around.
My friend (Shaina) and I pass noted during class since she is right next to me and one seat back. Today we were passing notes and the teacher stood in between our rows talking to the class. I tossed Shaina the note before she came to the aisle. She wrote back and was going to toss me it back when I kept on signaling her not to. She looked at the teacher for about 5 minutes then stupidly tossed the note. The teacher grabbed it and threatened to read it aloud, but she ended up keeping it in her pocket. Shaina was pretty pi**ed at me even though it was her fault. This is what the note said:

Me: I hope George Bush is attacked by llamas.

Shaina: WTF?!

Yes, I am a note passer.

You've just got to be experienced in the art of note-passing (a.k.a. knowing how not to get caught, and which teachers will care if they catch you). If my friends and I find something cool on the floor we will stick it to some paper and pass it as a note. I sent my friend a very cool stripy paper-clip today. :]

I used to pass notes. Now, we all text. Like, if I want to talk to kyle and he's three rows down, we'll text each other. If I'm in the same row, or right next to them, we pass notes.

I have quite a few stories about the cellphone, but I'm too lazy to type them xD

EDIT: Oh, I forgot. A lot of the time we sign language to each other. We all know the alphabet, and some basic words.

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I don't really pass notes that much, honestly. I sit in class and space off, or I doodle in my notebook. :p

Though sometimes I'll write notes to my friends (Lengthly ones at that) and give it to them after class. I love getting notes from my friends like that, and it lets me ramble about things that are bothering me at the moment.

I do text sometimes though. A lot of my friends aren't really into texting 24/7, but sometimes it's convient and fun. :(

I`m not much of a note passer, but I like to pass my doodles down to my friends.

My doodles are very amusing to them for an odd reason, especially the one where Brendon Urie had six nipples and the epic fro fight against Ray Toro and Joe Trohman.

Don`t ask, my mind is highly fluent during the boring classes.


My doodles are very amusing to them for an odd reason, especially the one where Brendon Urie had six nipples and the epic fro fight against Ray Toro and Joe Trohman.

I'm trying to decide whether that would make him more appealing than he already is, or if it would down grade him. Would it raise his sex appeal? Or just make him look like a bit of a freak?

Is it possible for Brendon to ever even be down graded?

So many questions to ponder. O;

Most of my classtime is consumed by doodling, mindless daydreaming, and staring out windows.

Sometimes ... I pass notes when texting isn't available xD

Here's a basic one we used at the beginning of the year, I used to be the linking for someone to pass a note to another. As in, they gave it to me to pass on.

Simple; put it in a book and pass it on. They other person should catch on.

Yep. except we write notes to eachother in our books so it looks like we're helping eachother :)

I don't pass notes often unless I get them first. And if it's important to me, after passing it between us a couple times, I stick it in my pocket. A couple times Brienna has given me notes and she's said, "You need to PROMISE me you'll tear this up and put it in the garbage."

So I shove it in my pocket and take it home. xD

I'm trying to decide whether that would make him more appealing than he already is, or if it would down grade him. Would it raise his sex appeal? Or just make him look like a bit of a freak?

Is it possible for Brendon to ever even be down graded?
It would be appealing in an odd / intriguing way. Probably wouldn't raise his sex appeal for me much, but probably for Ryan.


Psh, Bden is way to sexy to be down graded, or to appear as a freak. I mean, WAYY too sexy.

It would be appealing in an odd / intriguing way. Probably wouldn't raise his sex appeal for me much, but probably for Ryan.

Psh, Bden is way to sexy to be down graded, or to appear as a freak. I mean, WAYY too sexy.
Hm... interesting. Ryan probably would look better with six nipples. He'd appear... more mysterious. o;

I didn't think it was possible for Brendon to ever be down graded either. He's way to gorgeous.

Good. :)

Hm... interesting. Ryan probably would look better with six nipples. He'd appear... more mysterious. o;
I didn't think it was possible for Brendon to ever be down graded either. He's way to gorgeous.

Good. :)
No worries. It isn't possible for him to be graded down. xD

Anywhom. We pass notes between classes. Like, I'll write a page long note and give it to Khamile when I see her. And she writes a page back and gives it to me when she sees me and soo on and soo forth.

Otherwise, I talk or text. xD

Oh, you people reminded me. I drew a picture of Brendon in a little boat, with a sailor hat, during Science. So sexy. I decided to share the wonderfulness with my friend, and this is her reply in text: "Why are you so in love with that faggy band?" My reply: "Your jealous that I love them more than you. Admit it, don't even lie." She decided to ignore that, and changed the subject: "OMG! It's a boy!" My reply: "What? Your mom? Honestly dear, it's not a big suprise." Her reply, complete with three angry faces: "I was talking about my new born baby cousin. Don't be mean to me." Yea, I haven't talked to her since that incident three days ago. I wish I could share my beautiful drawing, but I spilled Monster all over it and now it looks like the ocean enveloped Brendon and disfigured his wonderful face. Saddening, I know.

Nope. I dont note pass. I sit with my friends anyway so yeah..but I do help people pass it along rows at times. So f they say ''pass it on'' or something, I'd pass it on.

But the people at my school are stupid. All of them. Apart from my friends of course..

So why would I note pass to them? Like they would care..

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