You try simply and you set yourself up for disappointment. If the goal is to win a match of chess, you can't constantly seek the king's piece. In this, "you" is me, for what I was.
The best year, to me, is a year that's good. Thankfully, I make that most years.
It's about perspective and action. Spend the year doing a healthy mix of essential activities and following some promising interests, thinking through (to the best of your knowledge) universally-applicable philosophies you set for yourself. Crappy summation of what I happily, crappily follow through on throughout every year. I'm happy and resolve not to change.
This has been a rambling by Pauly
The result of what I do? I successfully move on through my studies, setting myself up for the future, enjoy my free time, gain friends through mutual pursued interests and hobbies, and become a more well-rounded person on the way to becoming, one day, a well-adjusted adult. That is my dream for the future. I think I can pull it off.
I apologize in advance for how obnoxious this may sound
I simply mean to come in and vent some thoughts.