new to tamagotchi parenthood


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New member
Mar 19, 2023
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greetings and salutations!

hopefully im posting this thread in the right place?
im pretty new to the world of tamagotchi, my only prior experience being that I played the ds games as a kid, i think a lot of the hype around tamagotchi was dead and gone by the time i was old enough to have a conscience so its something i never really got to experience for myself until recently.
when i saw there were re-releases of the early generations of tamagotchi, i was super tempted and after weeks of deliberation, ended up buying one of the gen 1 re-releases a few days ago (as a shameless impulse buy lol). i had full intention of taking care of it to the best of my ability... at least, that was the idea.
not three days later, my tama passed on to silicon heaven (where all the calculators go, of course) and i was stuck wondering what caused its sudden demise.
instead of guessing my way through the care system again, inevitably screwing up and ending up with another dead tamagotchi, I figured the best course of action would be join this place and learn as much as i can about tamagotchi parenthood (and perhaps hopefully meet some cool people along the way lol)

90S Nostalgia GIF
Welcome to the forum!
I will note that odds are your tamas will still pass away after around 20 days, even with perfect care. Sadly most don't live a super long life, but at least you'll know you gave em a good life- and if you want to get every character for a challenge, no need to fret as much over perfect care- it's harder to intentionally get a bad character as a good character :lol:

A good rule of thumb is to set an alarm to go off every hour. You can top everything off, it's not so frequent that it annoys those around you, it can often be timed for during work breaks, it gives you a bit of wiggle room, and their hearts won't entirely deplete until they're geriatric aged. B)
Welcome to the forum!
I will note that odds are your tamas will still pass away after around 20 days, even with perfect care. Sadly most don't live a super long life, but at least you'll know you gave em a good life- and if you want to get every character for a challenge, no need to fret as much over perfect care- it's harder to intentionally get a bad character as a good character :lol:

A good rule of thumb is to set an alarm to go off every hour. You can top everything off, it's not so frequent that it annoys those around you, it can often be timed for during work breaks, it gives you a bit of wiggle room, and their hearts won't entirely deplete until they're geriatric aged. B)
i remember reading up on good/bad characters and since mine died so early on, i did wonder how easy it was to get an intentionally bad character. it seems like it would be way more challenging lol

in regards to tamagotchi care, ive already made a habit out of keeping my tama on me and checking its stats/health every 30-60 minutes. so far i havent had any of his stats go down past 3 hearts, so hopefully this lil guy will make it past the 3 day mark *fingers crossed*
i remember reading up on good/bad characters and since mine died so early on, i did wonder how easy it was to get an intentionally bad character. it seems like it would be way more challenging lol

in regards to tamagotchi care, ive already made a habit out of keeping my tama on me and checking its stats/health every 30-60 minutes. so far i havent had any of his stats go down past 3 hearts, so hopefully this lil guy will make it past the 3 day mark *fingers crossed*
Yeah, it kinda hurts to see the lil buddies suffering, and sometimes going one mistake too far... 😭
Keeping tabs on em like that, provided you're not overdoing it on the snacks, it sounds like your Tama will last to a ripe old age! 💖
Hey and welcome! :smile2:

Snacks are like poison on the Gen 1/Gen 2 re-releases, and I would guess that that was the main problem with your first run. Because the instructions are (as far as I remember) a pretty close reproduction of the original ones, this isn't mentioned anywhere official, which isn't very helpful!
Hey and welcome! :smile2:

Snacks are like poison on the Gen 1/Gen 2 re-releases, and I would guess that that was the main problem with your first run. Because the instructions are (as far as I remember) a pretty close reproduction of the original ones, this isn't mentioned anywhere official, which isn't very helpful!
really? i was under the assumption that as long as it was within moderation it was fine.. thats a bummer, but thanks for letting me know!
i remember reading up on good/bad characters and since mine died so early on, i did wonder how easy it was to get an intentionally bad character. it seems like it would be way more challenging lol

in regards to tamagotchi care, ive already made a habit out of keeping my tama on me and checking its stats/health every 30-60 minutes. so far i havent had any of his stats go down past 3 hearts, so hopefully this lil guy will make it past the 3 day mark *fingers crossed*

It is all based on “care mistakes” and discipline misses. If you have more than three care mistakes as a child or teen, you will get one of the three duck adults. If you maintain less than 3 care mistakes from birth into adulthood, you get one of the 3 good care tamas.

In both cases, which of the three you get depends on discipline. Usually one for perfect discipline, one for a single discipline miss, and one for two or more. There are a few other things to consider (such as type 1 or 2 teens), but if you follow this general rule you should be able to get every adult regardless.

A care mistake is when your tama calls you (zero hearts in happy or hungry) and you ignore it for 15 min. If you answer the call within that time, you get no care mistake. If the 15 min passes, the attention icon goes away and it counts as a care miss. As long as you answer the call, you can still get perfect care by letting all hearts decrease. Trying to keep hearts up to avoid it calling out to begin with though is the safest method. Not turning the lights off within an hour of it calling out when it goes to bed is a care mistake as well.

The best way to get a poor care tama without risk of it dying is to let hungry or happy go down all the way (just pick one) so that it calls out. Fill one heart after the attention icon goes away and repeat when it loses that heart roughly an hour later. After you do this three times (either teen or child) you can resume normal care for the rest of its life. It does not matter which phase you do it in, you only need to do this process once. But to get what I like to call the “duck blob” teen, you will need to do it as a child rather than a teen.

I would choose to let happy run out instead of hunger for the three mistakes however. While both are a care mistake, I read somewhere that if your tama gets 5 hungry care mistakes it dies. Also if it doesn’t eat anything for 12 hours it dies as well. There is no such risk with happy hearts aside from a normal care mistake though. I have not tested this personally yet, but I did see that somewhere so I offer this as an added precaution. There is a lot of false info out there found in guides regarding the rerelease that I am in the process of debunking, but I do not want to tell you to just ignore this until I get a chance to test it for myself (everything else I mention in this post is 100% confirmed however).

A discipline action is needed when it calls out but doesn’t have fully empty hearts, won’t eat if it has an empty hungry heart, or won’t play. If you do not catch this within 20 minutes, the attention icon goes away and it counts as a disciplinary miss (not the same as care mistake).

really? i was under the assumption that as long as it was within moderation it was fine.. thats a bummer, but thanks for letting me know!

If you let the hearts go down to three, but never all the way…you still had perfect care. Sounds like you fed it too much candy.

Every 3 candies, your tama get less healthy and will get sick more often (not a care mistake though). This will reset with every evolution however, but I still prefer to just bot use them unless I need to (shouldn’t need to unless elderly if you check it every hour or so).

If your tama is sick and not treated within 6 hours…it dies. If your tama is so unhealthy that it can get sick 3 times in a 24 hour period, it also dies (this is why people say candy kills them).

Anyway I hope all this info helps, and good luck with your future runs!
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It is all based on “care mistakes” and discipline misses. If you have more than three care mistakes as a child or teen, you will get one of the three duck adults. If you maintain less than 3 care mistakes from birth into adulthood, you get one of the 3 good care tamas.

In both cases, which of the three you get depends on discipline. Usually one for perfect discipline, one for a single discipline miss, and one for two or more. There are a few other things to consider (such as type 1 or 2 teens), but if you follow this general rule you should be able to get every adult regardless.

A care mistake is when your tama calls you (zero hearts in happy or hungry) and you ignore it for 15 min. If you answer the call within that time, you get no care mistake. If the 15 min passes, the attention icon goes away and it counts as a care miss. As long as you answer the call, you can still get perfect care by letting all hearts decrease. Trying to keep hearts up to avoid it calling out to begin with though is the safest method. Not turning the lights off within an hour of it calling out when it goes to bed is a care mistake as well.

The best way to get a poor care tama without risk of it dying is to let hungry or happy go down all the way (just pick one) so that it calls out. Fill one heart after the attention icon goes away and repeat when it loses that heart roughly an hour later. After you do this three times (either teen or child) you can resume normal care for the rest of its life. It does not matter which phase you do it in, you only need to do this process once. But to get what I like to call the “duck blob” teen, you will need to do it as a child rather than a teen.

I would choose to let happy run out instead of hunger for the three mistakes however. While both are a care mistake, I read somewhere that if your tama gets 5 hungry care mistakes it dies. Also if it doesn’t eat anything for 12 hours it dies as well. There is no such risk with happy hearts aside from a normal care mistake though. I have not tested this personally yet, but I did see that somewhere so I offer this as an added precaution. There is a lot of false info out there found in guides regarding the rerelease that I am in the process of debunking, but I do not want to tell you to just ignore this until I get a chance to test it for myself (everything else I mention in this post is 100% confirmed however).

A discipline action is needed when it calls out but doesn’t have fully empty hearts, won’t eat if it has an empty hungry heart, or won’t play. If you do not catch this within 20 minutes, the attention icon goes away and it counts as a disciplinary miss (not the same as care mistake).

If you let the hearts go down to three, but never all the way…you still had perfect care. Sounds like you fed it too much candy.

Every 3 candies, your tama get less healthy and will get sick more often (not a care mistake though). This will reset with every evolution however, but I still prefer to just bot use them unless I need to (shouldn’t need to unless elderly if you check it every hour or so).

If your tama is sick and not treated within 6 hours…it dies. If your tama is so unhealthy that it can get sick 3 times in a 24 hour period, it also dies (this is why people say candy kills them).

Anyway I hope all this info helps, and good luck with your future runs!
thank you! ill probably just take care of my tama in a semi-casual way right now but later down the line i might want to challenge myself with getting the other characters so i appreciate the tips! :biggrin:

in regards to the the candies, i never gave it that many to begin with, so i dont think it was that. i was just kind of neglectful lol.
id only ever feed it and play with it when it called for my attention and i think it was at low stats before it evolved (i remember hearing somewhere that tamas can die if their stats are too low before evolving(?), but take this with a grain of salt as im not sure of how true this is). my tama got sick at 3 yrs old and so either it died of sickness before evolving or died from neglect lmao
thank you! ill probably just take care of my tama in a semi-casual way right now but later down the line i might want to challenge myself with getting the other characters so i appreciate the tips! :biggrin:

in regards to the the candies, i never gave it that many to begin with, so i dont think it was that. i was just kind of neglectful lol.
id only ever feed it and play with it when it called for my attention and i think it was at low stats before it evolved (i remember hearing somewhere that tamas can die if their stats are too low before evolving(?), but take this with a grain of salt as im not sure of how true this is). my tama got sick at 3 yrs old and so either it died of sickness before evolving or died from neglect lmao

Stats being low doesn’t affect anything, that is an example of misinformation I was talking about earlier. What is more likely is that you might have just not responded to it calling out fast enough, and accumulated too many care mistakes in of themselves. You can keep their stats at two the entire time, and it would still be perfect care (which is why I assumed candies might have been the problem).

They always get sick once before evolving, so as long as you cured it you are fine. But it is also possible that it got sick from the candies you did feed it, and you just did not notice because they will not call out from being sick.

In any case, I hope you have better luck on the next one. If you check on it every 1-3 hours you should be aboe to avoid care mistakes and get better results.

Glad I could help!