New Tamagotchi, New Start, Not so new me


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Aug 8, 2005
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I guess I'm a little late to be starting this, but I just suddenly felt like it. I got my Tamagotchi on Sunday, the tropical blue, its fabulously retro, I love it. I'm not sure why I got it, I move alot so pets have never been much of an option and there to high maintnence for me. I mean with this a simple reset and it is like new again. I love that aspect, I wish my life was like that, ya know just a simple button and the BOOM I'm new and young. I had an original Tamagotchi when I was young, when it was a fad, I thought it was fun. Really I'm still young, I just turned 16 it feels like I'm older though, much older. I guess I can explain this by telling you the Tamagotchi adult I just got-Pyonchitchi who has been described as:"Everyone around him keeps chattering about boyfriends and girlfriends, but is this "love" thing really worth it? That's what this Adult-chi wants to know." I hated that I got this one, well after reading the description at least, because it reminds me of me because, that's what i wanna know to. Its just I have been gay for well since I can remember and just came out to my mom. It was suprisingly easy, unsuprisingly scary. I just wanted to, because i thought it would be like my Tamagotchi evolving, just POOF im comfortable with myself. I mean I know im handsome, striking even, people say it, I try and beleive it. But I guess when i think of a guy finding out about my past, I think the only people who can handle as much baggage as I have is the airport! My life has always had a bit of adversity to it, but adversity I have overcome. When i was a fourteen year old freshman I flourished. I was popular and loveable, I had freinds who could drive (hey i was ecxited about that!) and alot more mature guys (hey i was even more ecxited about that). Then I moved from St.Louis MO to Texas (where i was born! i love TX..) but it all happened sooo fast, the comfortable flow of my life had suddenly turned into a major river flowing to fast. So i froze... not literally of course but I felt like my heart did. I hardly talked at all in my new school, few freinds, WHAT HAD HAPPENED? So this summer I have been trying to build myself back up, baby steps, but steps none-the-less. But school is starting next week and anxiety is building like a dam. Which brings me back to my Tama, how great it would be to press reset like my tama, no one in the school would remember "here is that kid who looked snobby and didnt talk" (i look snobby sometimes, but I'm not even rich HA how weird). And i think will my Tama agree to the matchmakers terms and will I go to the Gay Straight Alliance? As we both go into new parts of life, one virtual another oh so real. Can I be a Mary Tyler Moore and make it after all. Or will this year be the same as the last? I know it wont, and yet the fear is still there...

All right thanks for listening, Ill update when my tamagotchi starts gen. 2

Hmmm sorry i know i said i would update when my tamagotchi had a gen 2 but i guess i was busy with school and stuff....... But it did happen, strangely i wasnt so ecxited, i was thinking about clothes and stuff... Well anyways it was little baby girl who I names Wuu after my chinese 2 teacher. (WE Love WHO? We LOVe Mrs. Wuu!!! lol) Ok so it then turned into that little acorn dude which i thought was so awesome, she looked all cute and acorny! I put it on pause alot and didnt take it to school (which is going really great i think) and probaly wasnt the best parent Which is why you can understand my suprise when i got Ichigotchi the strawberry! AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! I wanted this one so bad, but for gen 2 i decided not to take the best care of it so i could get a bad character (come on you know some are...) but i got IchigotchI (i am not worthy i am nto worthy!!! lol) And today as i was leaving to my geometry class i realized i hadnt put it on puase for the day it would probaly turn into an adult! Oops i was so afraid i would come home and there my tama would be...gone :D gone forever WAAAAAAA and yes it was gone sort if Now it was Toragotchi the tiger guy MY FAVORITE I wanted this one soooo bad I couldnt beleive it. I feel so lucky in alot of ways.

P.S. sorry if there was a lack of depth like in my other post, but you can email me if you wanna hear more....
