Oh my. I'm sorry for your piggy loss.
Personally...I would never get a hamster of any sort. Ever. I've never really liked them at all, and so many other rodents out there make far better pets generally speaking. Believe me...I've worked closely with all of them at some point.
I currently work at PetSmart as a Small Animal/Reptile/Fish/Bird caretaker and educator, and the hamsters there are the ONLY animal I don't enjoy handling.
Hamsters tend to:
*Stink quite a lot(not the worst of offences)
*Bite ALOT(they're always biting co-workers and customers)
*Never seek out human contact(They run away or fight when you try to pick them up and jump out of your hands)
*Get aggressive toward each other(all except for some Dwarfs cannot be kept communally)
*They are not affectionate creatures(If I have a small furry pet, I like it to be at least somewhat fond of me)
I know it seems like I am on a crusade against hamsters, and I am sure that some people have really decent hamsters as pets. It's just that there are rodents out there who will be so much more rewarding to have as a pet...a companion even. They will give you a lot more in return than hamsters generally will.
My favorites are:
*Guinea pigs(so lovable, affectionate and gentle)
*Fancy Pet Rats(No shrieks, please. For intelligence, interactivity, trainability, cleanliness, lack of odor, reluctance to bite and companionship, you seriously can't find a better pet than a pet rat.)
*Fancy mice(A tad smelly if it's a male, but very gentle, tiny and cute nonetheless)
*Gerbils and Degus(Never like to hold still but rather handleable and inquisitive. Non-stinky.)
*Chinchilla(Expensive and larger than the others, but an incredibly smart and responsive pet. Not to mention undeniably adorable and soft. Huge on the cuddle-factor. hehe)
If you still decide you want a Dwarf Hamster, that's fine and I wish you luck finding your new little guy. I just recommend that you have a look at some of the other wonderful rodents out there as well, either in the Petstore or online. PM me if you have any questions or concerns about your new pet, after all, it is my job.