~*~New Music Star Log~*~


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Feb 16, 2006
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The last time I did this for some odd reason the Matchmaker never showed up and my Tama grew old and stuff...and to think she was doing so well with all her music abilities being maxed out and rolling in Gotchi Points.


But yesterday I decided to try again. I went out and bought two new batteries. One for my Music Star and another for my old Pokemon Pikachu 2 which for some reason after all these years I felt like playing with :p


Anyway I started my Music Star up from scratch and entered in all the info...once again the buttons have a problem responding when their being pressed.


But anyway.


The egg hatched and it was a boy that I named Heero after the character from Gundam Wing since I like Heero...that and I've been watching FullMetal Panic and Sousuke Sagara reminds me a lot of Heero. Its because of that, that I find the toy he started out with, a robot, pretty ironic and funny. He has a violin along with an intrest in Classical Music. But as a toddler, a Kuchitamatchi he keeps switching between Classical Music and Jazz Music. When he went to school for the first time he got a toy train from the teacher. But I'm thinking of switching it back to the toy robot.


Things got hard today for him, he got sick and now short on Gotchi points and despite getting money from the Tamagotchi King I can't buy any food because its all the expensive foods. So for now poor Heero has to go hungry until more money from the Tamagotchi King gives me more or his band is finally put together soon...which the second thing won't be for a while still.


I'm planning to have him play more games to get his music skills up later. I'll update again when I can, here's his stats as of now:


Name: Heero

Age: Toddler (Kuchitamatchi)(0yrs)

Gender: Boy

Weight: 15lb

Intruament: Voilin

Toy: Train

Music Intrest: Jazz Music


Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Stress: 0


Music Skills:

Tone: 106

Rhythm: 135

Oringinal: 92

Nothing to report other then that Heero now has a band and is a teenager now. I wish I could get money soon...I hate having Heero's hungry bar half full.


Name: Heero

Age: Teenager (Kikitchi)(2yrs)

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Weight: 20lb

Intruament: Voilin

Toy: Train

Music Intrest: Jazz Music


Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Stress: 0


Music Skills:

Tone: 677

Rhythm: 759

Oringinal: 669

Heero is now full grown.


And of all the characters I expceted to get due to having the hungry bar half empty due to lack of money I never expceted to get Mametchi. I thought the only way to get Mametchi was to take perfect care of your Tama? He got sick as a baby and spent most of his younger life with his hungry bar half full since I had no money how is that perfect?


Anyway his music skills are all maxed out and since he's an adult now he can play games for money, money that I spent on food so now his hunger bar is finally full.


But with his music skills maxed out I can't understand how when he and his band go infront of the judges one of them always votes no. His skills are maxed out, his happiness and hunger are full and his stress is at zero...wouldn't that count as perfect to getting them to all vote yes? His skills are all at 999 thats the highest it can go so I don't understand why twice one of the judges voted no. Now he's stuck doing street proformances and earning no money at all since one of the judges keeps voting no and its always the same judge that votes no.


I belive you get three judgings, if thats the case I have one shot left. Hopefully all three judges will vote yes next time.


Name: Heero

Age: Adult (Mametchi)(2yrs)

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Weight: 32lb

Intruament: Voilin

Toy: Train

Music Intrest: Jazz Music


Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Stress: 0


Music Skills:

Tone: 999

Rhythm: 999

Oringinal: 999

It seems I'm always late updating this... :eek:


Okay I am very confused with how the ranking and judging and stuff goes with Music Star...because things have been happening which make no logical sense to me :eek:


In my last update of this log I mentioned that despite Heero having his music skills maxed out and his stress level at zero one of the judges kept voting no. The first time his hungry bar was half empy due to no money at the time to buy food so I guessed that was the reason. But the second time it happened everything was perfect. Skills were maxed, stress was at zero and both his hungry and happy bars were full...and yet the judge voted no.


The other day he got judged again and all of them voted yes finally despite Heero having one empty hunger heart. With the money I got from his Pro Debute I bought food and snacks :eek:


But here is what I'm annoyed at...


On his Pro Debute he ranked at 5th. Today during his consert barely anyone was in the auddience and his rank dropped to 9th :D


Please explain how it makes sense that a Tamagtochi with all its Music skills maxed out ended being denied by the judges twice before finally going Pro and then have his rank dropped from 5th to 9th? It doesn't make sense and by all accounts he should be at the top rank...unless each type of music is a diffrent level of difficulty? :D


It just doesn't make logical sense to me....the last time I raised a Music Star Tamagtochi she was maxed before she was an adult and when she was juged she was accpeted the first time and shot right up to 1st in the ranking, the only diffreance is her bands music was Asian I belive.


Other then that nothing to report, he still pratices with his violin and I switched his toy back to the robot like I said I was eventually going to do. He's been eatting mostly sushi rolls and sausage but I bought some chocolate bars and Tariyaki Chicken too. I also grabbed some snacks other the day as well as today like melon, popcorn, lollipops, pudding and candy. But I rather play the games to max his happiness out not give him a bunch of snacks. I do that only when his happiness is low along with his stress being high, since snacks lower stress like praising does.


He's three years old so the band manager will come soon when he's five to bring a mate...hopefully...like I said when I first made this log, the last time I raised a Music Star the band manager never came to offer a mate and my Tamagotchi ended up growing old and everything.


Anyway here's Heero's current stats:


Name: Heero

Age: Adult (Mametchi)(3yrs)

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Weight: 37lb

Intruament: Voilin

Toy: Robot

Music Intrest: Jazz Music

Rank: 9th


Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Stress: 0


Music Skills:

Tone: 999

Rhythm: 999

Oringinal: 999

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Well the time is at hand to see weather or not the band manager will show up with a mate this time...since Heero is now 5yrs old :unsure:


The last few days have been the usual conserts and getting loads of cash since Heero jumped to 2nd place in ranks. He's also still pratices with his violin. You know its funny, I remember reading that a Music Star Tama would be more tempted to play with its toy rather then pratice. But with both Heero and Robin (My first Music Star Tama before Heero) they both always praticed and rarely touched their toy. I wonder if it depends on their music skill level how tempted they are to either play or pratice... :D


Also something happened that makes me think that even if you don't answer the door for the band manager when he comes to give you money, he'll still give you it. I over slept the day before and I woke up and saw that my Tamagotchi had more money then it did when I last checked it before going to bed.


I wish Bandai would make it so doubles of the same food wouldn't show up in the store in terms of food. I went to buy food with the money I got today from the band manager and there were two corns...thats wasting space for a diffrent item that could have been there.


I really miss the old Tama Town were you could go on there and buy food and items there...at least with that Tama Town I didn't have to wait an hour for it to load like Music Star Tama Town. And my connection and everything is really good so I can't understand the problem. Yes I'm sure its because a lot of people are on it but I'm sure it was the same with the very first Tama Town and I had zero problems with that website loading.


Anyway I'm going to keep my eye out for the band manager and hopefully I can get my second generation Music Star Tamagotchi from Heero mating soon.


Name: Heero

Age: Adult (Mametchi)(5yrs)

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Weight: 30lb

Intruament: Voilin

Toy: Robot

Music Intrest: Jazz Music

Rank: 2nd


Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Stress: 0


Music Skills:

Tone: 999

Rhythm: 999

Oringinal: 999

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Well last night I got paranoid about the band manager not coming yesterday. I'm not sure if it was because it was that day he turned five and he had to wait a day or something. But I got nervous and used that trick I heard about on another board of this forum to have him possibly come, which was to change the clock to 12:49 or 4:49 I belive...I can't remember right now:mellow:


But with that the band manager came and Heero is now married to a Onputchi, a Tamagotchi with a music note shaped head and a flower on her head. They had a son, I was hoping for a girl to see if I could get Mimitchi this time around since I've never got one on any of my Tamagotchis except the Gameboy game. According to the growth charts on this forum Mimitchi comes from a girl Music Star Tamagotchi with perfect care. But then again since my generation would now be even instead of odd I had no chance of a Mimitchi for the time being until Heero's child has a kid of their own. I was hoping to get the speical character Dazzilitchi, she's so cute!


Getting a Dazzilitchi doesn't seem to be generation decrimative since the growth charts I've seen don't have her marked as either an odd or even generation character.


Anyway the other night I also went on Music City for a while and I heard that you can play games on there for a lot of music skill. I'll give it a try with Heero's kid.


Also Heero finally has made it to top rank!


Heero is still around though, he and his wife and kid are on the screen but since he's the main Tama who was raise he's the one doing most of the animations. One that I found funny was when I bought a shovel and used it before turning the clock back to the right time, and his wife was to the left of the screen and Heero was to the right...ad their kid was on his head :(


When I turned the clock back to normal they were all tucked in their own seperate blankets. Now its morning and their all on screen. Here are Heero's stats:


Name: Heero

Age: Adult (Mametchi)(5yrs)

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Weight: 30lb

Intruament: Voilin

Toy: Robot

Music Intrest: Jazz Music

Rank: 1st


Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Stress: 0


Music Skills:

Tone: 999

Rhythm: 999

Oringinal: 999

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Well today was not a great start for Yui, Heero and his wife left their son in my care and now I have a second generation Music Star Tamagotchi to raise...and boy is his music likes diffrent from his dad. He likes Hip-Hop music. But who knows Heero switched around from Classical to Jazz before finally keeping Jazz as his music type. Who knows Yui might change his.


He ended up being on pause most of the day since I had to go out and couldn't take a baby Tamagotchi with me...it would be a hassle with how demanding they first are as a baby. But I un paused him and filled his stuff feeding him a lobster and baby food for his meal and decided to give him a delux pudding has a snack...I hope that won't effect his adult form...but then I made a mistake.


I forgot that baby Tamagotchi's take naps before they morph into their toddler form. So when Yui woke up I didn't know...I thought he went to sleep for the rest of the day since it was already late. I finally relised this and checked on him and saw that his meters were all empty aside from one each. I changed the clock to wake him so I could feed and play with him.


Now he's fine...but the teacher came by and gave him a new toy...a Tamagotchi...I swear to you he was given a Tamagotchi to play with...a Tamagotchi raising a Tamagotchi...thats funny.


And I don't know how he got it but he has a new instrument in his inventory besides his fathers old violin...a Boom Box. Maybe Heero gave it to him before he and his wife left? Because I was still asleep when they left. Or maybe I bought it and thought it was a speical item and not a instrument? Anyway I switched his toy from the robot to the Tamagotchi and his instrument from the violin to the Boom Box.


Also he seems to have inheratied music skill points...unless he was praticing before I woke up and saw that Heero had left and I needed to name him.


I'm going to go on Music City tomorrow and see if I can raise Yui's music skills with the games like I heard you can do. I also need to raise my CD's level since their still bronze...but I find constantly clicking the mouse button to hit the notes and gain points irritating.


Anyway thats it for now.


Name: Yui

Age: Toddler (Kuribotchi)(2yrs)

Gender: Boy

Generation: 2

Weight: 12lb

Intruament: Boom Box

Toy: Tamagotchi

Music Intrest: Hip-Hop


Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Stress: 0


Music Skills:

Tone: 249

Rhythm: 249

Oringinal: 269
