New diary......x


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Apr 26, 2008
Reaction score
Cornwall, UK
Sooooooo, this is a brand new diary. My tama at the mo is v4...i'll give u a quick stat.

Name: Robbi

Age: 2 yrs

Education: School

Type: Obolchi ( quite the little sweetie pie!!) :p


Robbi just beeped, i think... yep, i was right, hes a hungry one. I gave him fish because its good for his little social skills. :furawatchi:

His training is currenty 4 and his wieght is 38 pounds....not too bad!

Theres nothing good in the shop so i'll just let him play in his house for a while, he has a slide too, soooo hes practically in heaven!

Speak to you soon,

Love....Carrie x

OMG!!! The most terrible thing happend! I just went out the house for half an hour and.....sob.....Robbi died!!!! :( He was full on hunger and happiness 2!!! But, i pulled myself together and had a new hatch! This time it was a girl! I wanted a girl after Robbi (RIP) anyway. So heres some new stats 4 yuu!

Name: Zoey (after my all time fave charactor Zoey Brooks!) :D

Age: 0yrs (shes only been hatched for about...1/2 an hour)

Education: none

Type: Harutchi

Shes a toddler so shes getting on quite well, ill go into tamatown and pick up a few toys, food items, etc..

Love....Carrie x

Hey everyone, howz u all??? Well im fine and Zoey is finer!! She got a visit from her kingergarten teacher 2day and she got a cute little backpack (sniff, sniff...they grow up so fast). :eek: Anyway...i was at skool and forgot to take Zoey with me!!! i was worrying all day that she might have passed away! But thankfully, all she had was a bad cold, 5 poos, and a letter and fortune cookie. Phew...I was soooo worried! :angry:

Anyway, i have to take Zoey to nursrey school so ill see u real soon!

Love....Carrie x

Well, well, well....the time has come. Zoey has evolved into an adorable Obolchi AND got a visit from the teacher of tamatown elementary school. I d better give you some new stats then... :angry:

Name: Zoey

Age: 1yr

Education: School

Type: Obolchi

I bet she feels like a little princess now! :eek:

See ya real soon!

Love....Carrie x

Ok, so i took Zoey to skool 2day for the first time, and....she was really good! Most of the time she didn't need any food and she didn't poo much. I think it was very successful in every way! :angry:

She doing very well in the kills sec too!! Ill tell you her scores...

Knowledge: 21 :eek:

Confidence: 10 ;)

Kindness: 0 (she has only 1 friend at the mo, but she'll be meeting a new 1 2morrow)! :ichigotchi:

See ya'll soon!

Love....Carrie x

YES!!! I've done it!! Zoey is an adult and.... she was trying on clothes, ringing friends on her cell and she even went to Africa! I cant wait to get to Tamatown and see her photos! Shes sooooo happy! :)

She made friends with a toddler named Sam but ill need to find her another, OLDER partner if you know what i mean! ;)

I think you'll be wanting some new stats so....

Name: Zoey (duh!)

Age: 2yrs

Education: School

Type: Masktchi

Yeh I KNOW!!!

Love....Carrie x

Hey, i just thought id drop a line or 2 before Zoey and I head off to Tamatown. Im really looking forward to when Zoey gets to go to work! :)

I think sees got her eyes on being a teacher, it a really cool job! :D

Soooo....ill speak 2 u 2morrow then, oh, and i almost 4got, MASKTCHIS RULE!!! :lol:

Love....Carrie x

Loads happend 2day! I waz @ skl when a message came through, it waz a job offer!!!! :) The 1 Zoey wanted!

Now im proud 2 say Zoey is a PRESCHOOL TEACHER!!!! :ichigotchi:

She is soooooooooo happy and so am I!!!

Oh, and id like 2 say hi to Whitney, an awesome fan of this log! Thanx Whit! :D

Love....Carrie x

Hey, its the weekend!!! How incredible is it that we have a day off on monday??? Too awsome for words!! :kuribotchi:

So, Zoey is doing really well, and guess what?? Shes now 5! Yes, 5 yrs old!!

She also got her first pay-check 2day, it was 1010 points. She is really happy and spent it on a CD!

Were going out later and Zoey coming along too, maybe i'll find a cute sock she can snuggle into at night! :huh:

See u soon!

Love....Carrie x

YES! Zoey had a little visit from the matchmaker 2day and hatched a bouncing baby boy! When i can name him, i'll call him....Jamie.

I'll miss Zoey when she goes, but its good to know there will be a bit of her in Jamie!

Zoey and Jamie took their first holiday together to New York! They have a postcard and t-shirt to remember there trip by forever!

C ya real soon!

Love....Carrie x

Ok, so i'm really happy that Zoey has had a baby, but i know i'll really miss Zoey. But I, like, can't wait till I can go online with Jamie and visit Zoey in Tamatown! :D

I don't know when Zoey will be leaving....but its going to be sometime soon!

Ill show you a pic of Jamies dad.... :ph34r:

Jamie will look soooooo cute when he's older! And very handsome too! :D

Love....Carrie x

WOW!! Zoey left Jamie this morning and i was able to name him! I can't wait 2 go on Tamatown and visit Zoey in her house!!!! :D

I wonder what type of tama Jamie'll be??? :ph34r: + :wacko: = ???? What i wonder???

Speak to u again soon!!

Love....Carrie x

Yes....a disastor has sweet little Jamie has....DIED!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

Im soooooooooo upset because he was sooooooooooo sweet and i loved him sooooo much! :eek:

I have hatched a new egg and also called him Jamie in honour....

*SOB* I need to pull myself together for this new baby and look after him really well this time...

I know its only a Tama but it's really important to me!!!

Speak 2morrow

Love....Carrie x


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