need help with Maskutchi


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Jan 3, 2005
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Hi, I'm extremely new to Tamagotchi:

My daughter got 2 tamagotchi connections for Christmas. We were very careful and cared for them well, and we were very surprised to find that one of her tamagotchis turned into Maskutchi, and the other (the one I have adopted) an hanatchi.

(I think we have discovered the source of this problem, however; My youngest son was connecting them until their heart meter was almost empty, then playing the games to get them back up)

Anyway...... Maskutchi has become a hassle. He stays up later and later each night. Tonight he didn't go to sleep until almost 10:30. I was wondering if anyone knows will he continue to stay up later and later each night? And can he be disciplined for this without harming his heart meter? Also is this normal for Maskutchi?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

well, i'm not really sure. but what i am sure of, is that maskutchi stays up later than others. if it stays up too late, u can change the time and make it suitable for u and ur children. for example, if :D sleeps at 10:30, and u want it to sleep at 8:00, set the time on the tama 2 hrs and 30 mins ahead. so, when it is 8:00 real time, the tama will be at 10:30. and u can both sleep at the same time

Yes, it is anoing that it stays up so late... I wish it dident.... What you can do is feed it all the food possibal and give it like 4 snacks (at your childs bedtime) and then turn off the light...That way, your tama will mabey sleep in poop, but its hearts should be full!

Ok, thanx. If you reset the clock does it affect the growth or timeline of the tama? Will probably try your suggestion tomorrow night.

Thanx again.

iT IS normal for masktchi --> :D to go to bed at 10:30 so don't worry about him going to bed that late it is perfectly normal :D . But don't discipline him. It will do nothing except make his heart meters go down.

Hope that helps

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