Natsha Bedingfield


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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2007
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Atlanta, Georgia.
I just love her songs! They're about happiness and sunshine and listening to her songs just makes me so happy! I feel better about myself when I listen to most of her songs. Do you like her?

She's not necessarily one of my favorites, but she does have an alright voice.

I'm fully convinced that "Pocketful of Sunshine" has a double meaning. Happiness, and drugs.

Yes, I have been corrupted. 8D

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I hate her. D= I had a really great poem about a pocket full of sunshine once, and it never made it's big break, and now I'd be accused of plagerism even though I wrote the poem at five. BLAH.

But other than petty artistic reasons, I'm not much of a fan. Songs about sunshine turn me offf most of the time. P=

You got it stuck in my head now. D= And I've been subjected to jazz, too? Oh, and now it's mixing with Katy Perry and jazz and gawd...

Why, world, why?


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