Oh noez....I have a terrible time listing my friends. x.x I always forget peoplez, even if I care about them. Well here goes nothing!
Storms- She is my best friend on TT! She's always there and is the twin God forgot to give me. We both have bad memories (lol), and we love the same stuff. I'd be lost with out her. Love you Storms!
Broken~Wings- Bailey is so cool! She's super friendly, and one of my best friends. ^^ I love her, and I hope we'll always be friends.
Derek95 -He doesn't come on TT alot, but we still talk on MSN. He is a great friend, and always brightens up my day.
TamaGirliey -A cool friend, but we've drifted apart in time.
We used to be best friends, plotting evilness and such...we sort of lost contact, but I still love her!
Lovely Swan.23 -She's a super cool friend, and I love her Lily avvies! xD Lol.
nyatchi_chan -Long gone from TT but I'm still her friend. I miss you!
Rey Mysterio -Me and her have alot in commen....she's a good friend, and since we share many of the same feelings it's easy to talk to her.
Alimania -She's taught me so many things, and has givien me confidence! I don't talk to her that much anymore, but it doesn' change a thing.
Dachdach95 -My first friend on TT.
I wish he still came on Tamatalk....but he doesn't. I miss you Dachdach!
Furwatchi Girl -She rocks!
We're great friends and I can rely on her, totally.
If I've forgotten you, I'll add you or post again. I suck at lists, like I said.