my very first tamas


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May 13, 2006
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omak washington
well i got my tamas yesterday it seemed like i had to wait forever lol well i got the one i ordered from ebay and started it up and then relized that i wouldn't have someone to mate with him/her so after about an hour i went to walmart and bought the last one there so now i have the zebra one and the silver one well come to find out i got a boy and a girl on my first try yeah. B) well the boy is on the zebra and his name is will and the girl is on the silver one and her name is lola interesting names eh lol well they started out as babys as they all do well will evolved into tamatchi and lola evolved into a mizutamatchi well i was all excited well come to find out they were being really mean when i first connected them toghether but there best friends now there in there teen years they turned that way like 2 hours ago there 1 year so im happy right now they evovled into a young mametchi so yeah there both the same thing im happy well hey thats all for now there going poop so i gotta go anyways ill keep you up dated.

nothing really to add right now i mean its mothers day and all and their not waking up on there usual time so im wondering whats going on well oh welll theyll wake up when they want to later for now.

actually i am well i know its been a couple of days and all well their adults now and age 4 they are in love im just waiting for the 5th day to have them have children well thats all for now.


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