My very first log!


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Dec 9, 2006
Reaction score
Hi! I'm ~BloodandRoses~ and this is my very first log...Hope you all enjoy it! :)

[SIZE=14pt]DECEMBER 10 2006[/SIZE]

First entry today! I've finally gotten a new battery for my tamagotchi connection v1 (I had a v2, but I gave it away to my younger cousin) so I hatched a new tama. It's a boy! His name is Yuu. :) Just now he fell asleep...Once he wakes up from his nap he'll probably grow into a kid...

Oh! A random little tidbit from today: The highest game score Yuu and I got today was 26 hurdles in the jump game....Yay!

Well, I guess that's enough for now. Yuu and I will update again soon!



Yuu <3

[SIZE=14pt]Quick Update~[/SIZE]

Yuu just grew into a kid! He's a big white ball now...Hehe. :) Yuu and I will update tomorrow!



Yuu <3

[SIZE=14pt]DECEMBER 11 2006[/SIZE]

Yuu went to school with me today. He was very popular. :) A lot of people gave him snacks and played games with him. Afterschool he and I watched FullMetal Alchemist. :lol: He's doing well...Still hasn't grown into a teenager yet. I can't wait to see what kind he turns into. :) Well, Yuu and I will update soon!



Yuu <3

[SIZE=14pt]DECEMBER 12 2006[/SIZE]

I didn't get to play with Yuu much today...I didn't take him to school like I did yesterday. And I've been really busy with homework, so he's been paused most of the time. He unpaused now though, sitting next to my computer. :) He's still a kid....I can't wait 'til he grows. :angry: Well, I guess that's it again for the daily report. Oh! And the stats:


Name: Yuu

Species: ??? (still just a kid)

Training: one bar

Age: 0 years (I think it should be 1 year though)

Weight: 18 lbs.



Yuu <3


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