My Very Boring Tamagotchi Diary


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Dec 13, 2009
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It's named after a Fan Fiction I once wrote. Because in that story, I actually logged a real Tama - the same one I'll be logging here - although I pretended the Tama belonged to a fictional character.

My Tama is asleep. I have no idea when the Smart-family toddler on the V4 wakes up, but whenever it is, it's sometime after 7:30 AM. Here are her stats:


Character: Toddler resembling Mametchi I don't know the name of

Training: 1 bar

Intelligence: 9

Beauty: 6

Social: 18

Age: 0 yrs

Weight: 10 lbs

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1st gen.

Gotchi Points: 11545 GP

School/Job: Waiting for preschool invitation

Recent Events: ...Sleeping, sleeping and did I mention sleeping?

So...I really should go get breakfast now. I need to be ready on time for school, not that school is anytime soon, but you get the idea.

~ Dazzmina and Ebony ~

Yay! Today Ebony evolved into Young Mimitchi at school, and she got a place at high school with Mr. Turtlepedia. Mimitchi, here we come! Stats:


Character: Young Mimitchi

Training: 1 bar (what? I've got school...hold on, she just got a time out! 2 bars!)

Intelligence: 21. Improvement much?

Beauty: 12 - Young Mimitchi is cute, but not exactly beautiful

Social: 33. I didn't even WANT all these Social points!

Age: 1 yr

Weight: 21 lbs. They say you gain weight as a teenager.

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1st gen.

Gotchi Points: 13655 (woohoo! More than 2000 GP improvement!)

School/Job: High school with Mr. Turtlepedia

Recent Events: A long and neglectful (for her) day at school.

I will try and have a photo once Ebony is an adult, I know people love photos for whatever reason. No guarantees though.

EDIT: Blame my computer for the weird spacing. It put all this nonsense about font and stuff round the text, which I had to delete.

~ Dazzmina and Ebony ~

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