My Version Four Log


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Well-known member
Dec 26, 2005
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In a country. With people. And buildings.
Yes, well, I suppose I'll start one of these now that I've gotten a V4 Tama.

It's Glow-In-The-Dark with an Itchogoitchi lanyard and charm, along with a memetchi charm at it's side. Here goes!

She was born on the 27th of December, 2006 around two in the afternoon, and started out as a mere Shirotsubutchi, a female baby Tama, though soon became an adorable Petitchi. Around one day later she became a Young Memetchi :) , and just this morning she became a Ponitchi. She has recieved a fishing pole from the king, and has made many friends with my various other Tamas and my friends/familie's Tamagotchis for a total of six friends. She has nine training points (I'm a harsh but loving Tama-Mum),82 intellegence points, 28 I think there called style points (or something like that) and 20 social points. Her name is Mino, and she is a royal spoiled bratt. She calls me for no reson all the time and requires my constant attention in order to keep her full and happy. So far, I have mastered Jump Rope, Shape and Mimic. She is three years old, weighs in at a whopping 72 lbs and has 31,960 gotchi points.

I hope that suffices!


Day Two of my Log:

Today, Mino finally got a job (not the one I would have liked, but a decent profession nonetheless) as a banker. Her job is much like that of the Version Three Tamagotchi's game Get, only with bars of gold and coins instead of music notes. Anybody know if you get money for working? Well anyway, her new 'work object' is this adorable briefcase that shoots off to the bank with her every time she leaves, given to her by the king himself! But even before that, she went off to see her old school master, who she was throughly cross with. I have no idea why, and he had this hurt expression on his face as he presented her diploma. I really don't enjoy the immature behievor of this Ponitchi...

She seems to take her little bath around six in the afternoon every day, and has taken a new liking to the sushi meal option. Oranges are still her all-time-favorite, mind you.

I did very poorly today with my self-control...I purchased the new Remote Controled Helicopter for my little brat. I really need to stop indulging my Mino so much.

Well anyway, I'd like to get back to my scrapbooking. Thanks for reading Day Two!!!



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