*~My Version Four Log~*


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Well-known member
May 14, 2007
Reaction score
I wish you could reply in logs but you cant so could you please give me a pm about my log or if youve got any questions.Thanx :)

Hi ive decided that im gonna start up my tama again today cos i havent been playing on it recently its currently on pause and on baby stage gen 1. Now to reset it!


I'll update once it hatchs:)


Its a.......boy! Ive had girls sooo many times (hooray) but it was nice to see a boy(for once i usually like girls)!


Now what shall i name him! I know Spice! lol!


p.s Spice will be talking in blue!

Yey we got 30 on jumping rope! :) :furawatchi: I looked in the shop and saw there was milk for 300p so i bought it seeing that tama babys love milk

Spice just got sick so i cleaned it up and now he is all better.

Medicine taste horrible!

Well Spice you have to have medicine to make you better

Ok can it be strawberry flavour?

Ermm... well we'll see


OMG i was gonna write a reply to this log in someone elses but luckily i stopped myself in the nick of time we got 12 on jumping rope RATS!


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