My version 4 log


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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2007
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The 10 minutes of this little darlings life were already wonderful. He is a boy baby named Acca. He is now taking his first nap! Hopefully when he wakes up he will chang form. Every molment is anticapating.

We went to Tamatown and got a few extra points and souviners. He is the weight of 17.. We need to go jump-rope soon! Now he is awake with one poo on the ground. He is a little hungry and un-happy.

Now Acca is sleeping. He will wake up any hour now...

Yesterday he turned into a harutchi. I really don't know if thats good or not.

Today he will be evolving again! Me and him didn't really do alot today... We must have played some jumprope.

I really hate mimic. Anyways, the king usually comes every 10 to 20 minutes and gives me something.

I bought a fishing rod, used it, and got 2000! What a good deal.. I think....

I am loving starting him up again. I got bored of him the minute I got him... :lol: Well now Im not!!!

Hello, again!

I had to set the time so he would wake up.It was getting boring!

So when I went in the pool I kind of neglected him by mistake. When I got back ALL of his happy hearts were down.

What a drama-king. ;)

We went on tamatown today. I just noticed it now has the station and the office!

Tamatown is so cute.

I decided to get some more items for Acca today. Lets see... We got a baseball cap from the shop (600) and we used shop codes. The only thing he can use now is his sillouette.

I decided I need to show you guys whats going on

Age: 0 (he is supposed to be 1)



Intelligence: 41


Weight: 16

I am really hoping for a Mimitchi Adult this time. I hope the intelligent points will affect it :blink:

I am getting too eager for Acca to become a teen. :D

Oh yes, and just last night I noticed his name was really A.

Oh well. It'll stay ACCA! :D

I promise I will post more when he evolves~

I was playing tamatalk when I heard a beep... THE CHANGING BEEP. :nazotchi:

When I looked at him, he was a....................................... Young MIMITCHI! Woohoo!

This seriously was a good time! I have 3 new games now.Acca was too full to play any though. :nazotchi:

I think I will enjoy him as a teenager.. But I am scared. I am way too attachted to him. I am scared about how I will react when he passes away from age or health. He is growing older and older.

Acca does not need much attention at all latley! It is getting boring, but oh well!

Yesterday I got into high school. I forgot that you get to pick your teachers. So I have mister Turtle-dude. :)

It is paying off. I have 84 intelligence! It won't go any higher, though. I really want my tama to be a scientist. I guess he will just get the kind of job he gets. :(

Today the king brang me a pencil. Very sucky 'cause I can't use it until Im an adult. I mean Accas an adult!

Oh no! I left Acca in the car. :( My mom went to get pizza for dinner... I hope he is ok.

I imagine he is, 'cause he is very low matience.

This morning when I woke up I immediatly checked my tama..

A MAMETCHI! He is universal, but I don't care!

A very very cute character. :}

Now I am dissapointed about how many games there are. Well atleast we have games.

I used the ticket, but... it didn't go well..

Plane took off, and I pressed B on away. He watched mountains and I thought I could move around so I clicked C. Bad idea. ;)

Well Acca didn't do alot today. :eek:

I found another ticket but it was 12000! (Over my price)

Tonight I got a job! First he got a mail to say bye to his teacher, then got another one that took him straight to the jobs! The jobs available where:

1. Clothes?

2. Teacher

3. Scientist

And I think there where more. I got through my interview and I am...

A SCIENTIST! :ichigotchi:

Wow, awesome.

I don't know how to play the game. There is a guide somewhere on tamatalk that will help me. :


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