My Version 4 Log


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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2005
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I've started a ton of logs and just can't keep them going XD I always forget and eventually never remember. I hope this one will work for me!

I have different versions going but I'm only going to talk about my V4s here. Here we go.


I got my first two V4s for Christmas. One problem, one was broke! So that's why their generations are not the same.

Well, the one that worked was the Sunrise one. It was a while before I could take the other one back. But when I did, I got the glow in the dark kind. My first adult was a Hanatchi. I remember that. My Sunrise is generation 7 now. My GITD is only on its 4th.

My most recent adult on the SR was a Mametchi. I was really surprised because I didn't take perfect care of it. It got married by the matchmaker and had a girl. I'm raising it now. It turned into a kid this morning. My GITD is a hamster looking thing. It got married to my V1 Tarakotchi named Storm. They had boys. They got married this morning so the adults should leave tomorrow night. I'll post more information about them tomorrow.



Well, Desy,(sunrise) Evolved into an Ichigotchi today! A strange thing happened to her too! You can check out my topic in "What Happened To My Tamagotchi" to find out more! Anyway, I got a new V4 for Easter! It's REALLY cool. It's black with red buttons and has a red ball on the antenna. And it has silver lightning bolts all around it! It's so awesome! I started it this morning and it was a boy. I named it Bunny because it was born on Easter. Bunny turned into a Mizutamatchi after church.

Mason, (GITD) still has his baby. He will leave tonight at 12:00 A.M I'll miss him. He is 10. His baby is a boy so Bunny will have a cool friend to play with. I'm not sure what I'll name him yet.

PM me if you can think of any cool suggestions. I'll probably be up to watch him leave beacause I'm sort of glued to Digimon World 4 right now because I'm in the Machine Pit, the final level.

Mason's wife is doing fine too. What's wierd is that they got married before they even had 4 hearts in their friends list. It was still two smileys, two hearts. Well, that's all for today. See you tomorrow!

Poor Mason left last night. And I predicted right! I was playing Digimon :blink: Anyway. I'm raising his boy now. I meant to name him Mango but I messed up on the last letter so his name is now Mangh XD

Mangh is on pause right now because I don't feel like taking care of babies at the moment.

Good news! Bunny evolved into a Hinotamatchi today! Wait, I have to feed him a snack........Okay. We're good. He has 26 pencil points, 69 star points, and 27 flower points. It looks like he'll be that big fat cat thing. Unless he's a Universal. I picked the Artist teacher in hopes that he'll gain more flower points. I've already had that cat and I hate it. He is 19 pounds.

Desy is 1 pound and has 68 pencil points, 75 star points, and 50 flower points. Looks like she'll be a Memetchi. That's okay because I like them. I'd rather have a Furawatchi though.

I know a good tip for quickly raising training. Just make your tama give a lot of items to another (trade them back though) and sometimes it doesn't give what it's supposed to and then you can give it a time-out.

I was connecting with my friend and I was trying to give her an item and apparently my tama didn't want to give it up. It kept giving her poop :furawatchi: So I filled my training bar in about five minutes. It eventually gave her the gift though.

Well that's all so far. It's still pretty early in the day so I might post something later if anything important happens.

See ya!

Well, I'm trying to get the character Makiko. I know I'll at least get a Memetchi so I'm going to try to get 350 fashion points. I have around 210 now. I found that Dance boosts your fashion points so I'm playing that allot. I wish it was jump rope instead. That ones so easy!

Bunny is doing fine and is still 1 years old. Desy is 2, that's who I'm trying to get Makiko on. Mangh is still paused ^.^

Not much really to say so far. I'll post back when I reach 350 fashion points on Desy.


YAYAYAYAY!!!! *applause*

I got Makiko! Desy turned into a Makiko!! *takes a deep breath* Okay. I spent almost all day yesterday getting all the fashion points I needed. I'll never play dance again! I'm completely sick of it. But it payed off! Desy is the coolest thing ever! Okay. She went to bed a 9:00 PM. I was so excited when she evolved! I wish I had got to at least play a game with the Memetchi though. :p

Anyway, Bunny is still a Hinotamatchi. He's like 70 pounds so that's not good. He'll probably be a Togetchi. :mellow:

I finally unpaused Mangh and he turned into a wonderful Harutchi. He got his backpack and went to school a few times. I bought him some cupcakes from the shop to boost his social skill points. I guess he'll be in Mame family according to a chart I read here. I'm going to pick the turtle teacher to boost intellectual points so I can get Mametchi again. I really like him.

So, I guess that's all. Tune in tomorrow for more info about my wonderful tama family!

Thank you. But your not supposed to post in other people's logs. I don't mind, but just for future reference.

Another exciting day! Bunny evolved into a Togetchi. One of my least favorite characters, but It's okay I guess. I accidently bought the same plane ticket twice on my Sunrise so Desy gave one to Bunny.

They both went to New York but I haven't visited Tama Town for their souveneirs. I'll do that later. They got to see the Statue Of Liberty.

I used Bunny's love potion and connected with Desy. Now they are 4 hearts with each other. I'm not going to connect them for a while though because I'm not ready for them to leave me yet :D

Desy got a ! letter to get a job. I wanted her to be a singer but one of the ladies rejected her. I played some more games so she'll be ready next time :p

Mangh is still a kid. I fed him a bunch of snacks to raise his skill points. The best is the water melon. He's asleep right now and he has 36 intellectual points, 31 fashion points, and 37 social points. I'll try to raise intellectual to get Mametchi. I don't really want Tensaitchi right now. I'll try for him next time. I like Mametchi more.

Desy just went to sleep so I can't get her souveneir. But Bunny doesn't go to sleep untill 10:00 so I have time to get his. I could wake Desy up though :huh:

I guess that's all so far. I'll heading to Tama Town now. See ya!!!

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YAY! Lots of exciting news in todays entry!



Well, first of all, I debugged my old V1. It took a long time but I finally got it. It was really cool seeing all of the insides of it. It took me a while to find the little semi circles but when I found them, I scratched them together with my newly sharpened pencil. I tried to put it back together but the reset button and the red connecting thingy kept falling out! I finally got it together and then I picked Mimitchi. I really like hyper speed but I prefer to keep it like a normal tama. I named it Baily.

Mangh evolved into a Young Androtchi. I picked Mr. Turtlepedia as his teacher and he now has 75 intellectual points. He's sure to be a Mametchi!!

Desy is doing fine. She got a job as a singer! The job is so cool!! I love the music she sings. We played her game at least a dozen times! I bought her a plane ticket to Japan. She saw a little house with bushes beside it. I'm going to take her to get her souveneir after I post this.

Bunny got a job as a hairdresser. We played his game once. It was fun! Bunny is doing fine and I bought him Soccer from the store. He loves to play soccer!

That's all for today. See you tomorrow!

I got Desy and Bunny married today! After Desy got her heart mail, I connected her with Bunny and they had two cute baby boys!!! Desy is now 6 and Bunny is 5.

This morning, I sent Desy to work to collect her payment. She got 1,945 gotchi points! Then we played some more of her job.

I'm really good at it. I like the music too.

I played Bunny's job too. I don't like it as much though. Bunny didn't get near as much money as Desy did.

Mangh is two and still a Young Androtchi. He should evolve into Mametchi tomorrow. I can't wait! He has nearly 100 intellectual points.

Baily is doing fine. I connected Desy with him and they have four hearts. Can a tama get married twice? If you know the answer, please PM me.

That's about all. See ya tomorrow!

Mangh evolved into Mametchi this morning! He's so cute! Everyone else is doing fine. I'm going to pause Desy overnight so she won't leave XD

Mangh got a job as a T.V reporter! The mini-game is just like the singer job without the music! I like his job and he does too!!

Baily the debugged Mimitchi got married today and had a girl!

The matchmaker came while I was riding my bike. Luckily I had them in my jacket pocket so I heard the beep! It got married to a Kutchipatchi.

I paused Desy over night so I could have her one more day. She is just about the best tama I ever had! I'll miss her a lot. She got a new job application form today so she is a florist now. I like the game. It's really simple and kinda fun. She will leave me tonight :D

I'm raising Bunny's baby now! I named the new baby boy Chibi. He is still a baby because I didn't have much time today because I had tons of homework. In fact, I just got it finished XD

That's all. Bye!

Desy left :( I named her baby boy Studd. He has the most intellectual points but fashion is close behind. He evolved into a Puchitchi.

Chibi evolved into a Mohitamatchi. He got his letter for school and went there a few times. I hope he gets into the Kuchi family so I can try for a Nonbiritchi! I really want one of those. I printed out a pic of Desy at TamaTown getting her souveneir from her trip to NY. I pinned it on my bulletin board so I'll have her always!

Mangh is doing fine.

I sent Baily away early. (Set the time to 12:00 PM) I haven't started his girl yet though.

That's it! BYE

Okay, I used hyper speed last night and made Alli (Baily's girl) an adult! Heres the cycle:

Babytchi----->Kinkokomotchi------->Young Mimitchi------->Memetchi!!! It's so cute! Alli and Mangh have 4 hearts. I'm gonna get them married.

Chibi is still a mohawk guy. He should evolve tomorrow. He has 33,46,28 He has 4 training points.

Studd is still a Putchitchi. 29,12,23. 3 training. Should evolve tomorrow as well :D

Mangh is still a T.V reporting Mametchi :D He's 5!

I bought him Soccer in the shop today.

That's it :D

Alli and Mangh got married!!! They had baby boys!! I set the time to 12:00 PM on Alli and she left. I used hyper speed again: Baby---->Marutchi---->Hinotamatchi----> DUN DUN DUN DUN!!!!! Mametchi!! I love it so much! I never had a Mametchi on V1 before! I like it better than the one on V3 and 4.

I was so sad when Chibi evolved into Hinotamatchi. I really wanted into the Kuchi family :D Well, there's always next time.

Studd evolved into a Young Androtchi. I didn't want that one either :) After I calmed down, I decided to try for a Androtchi on Studd, and a Tasakotchi for Chibi.

That's it folks.

Today, my friend came over to my house. She brought her V4 with her. It was a Young Dorotchi. It was 2 but it turned 3 while we were playing. And it evolved into a big Dragon thing. She was so mad because it was really ugly :) She was about to reset it but I talked her out of it by saying she might get a cuter charater next generation. We are going to marry it to Chibi. But he has to turn into an adult first XD

He's doing really good. He should evolve tomorrow because he is 3.

Mangh left last night. I named his son Benny. Benny is a sleeping Mizutamatchi. Bye bye Mangh!!!

Studd is 2 and is doing great! I wraped my stereo and was going to give it to my friend's tama so she could use it and then give it back. Mine connected and her's didn't! Studd gave it to cyber space and now I don't have a stereo ~.~

I'm so sad!

I started one of my V1s. It is a Hinotamatchi. I'm trying to get Mimitchi or Mametchi.

That's all for today!


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