my version 3 log of tropicalness!


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Well-known member
Jun 18, 2005
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I g ot my version 3 eight days ago, and he has a tiny teletchi, so I decided to start a log for gen.2.

training: 9/9

Age: 8

Weight: 38 lb

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1 (but with a teletchi boy!)

Points: 441

Total Donation: 5001

Username: HAPPY


and don't TRY to go on my username.

Since there's nothing much to write about yet, I'll just tell you the evolution.


Baby: Teletchi Boy

Child: Mizutamatchi

Teenager: Obotchi

Adult: Mametchi :mametchi:

He just got married to my V2 Kiwitchi! It's the tropical flowers design. :wub:

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On the next generation now! Stats time...


Name: MINI!

Training: 2/9

Weight: 18 lb

Age: 0

Gender: boy

Generation: 2

Points: 1156


Happiness that he's on the 2nd generation! :D Yippee!

Right now he's a! kuchitamatchi. :D

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Just evolved into hinatchi... He's so cute!


Name: MINI!

Age: 1

Weight: 28 lb

Gender: boy

Generation: 2

Points: 706

Username: HAPPY

Evolution: Kuchitamatchi>Hinatchi


He's an adult now!


Name: Mini!

Traing: 9/9


Weight: 29 lb

Gender: Boy

Generation: 2

Points: 1740

Evolution: Teletchi Boy> Kuchitamatchi> Hinatchi> Teketchi


He just got married to my V2 tarakotchi! The baby is a teletchi boy. I'm going to name him TAMA. His twin is going to be named GOTCH.


Name: MINI!

Training: 9/9

Age: 6

Weight: 40 lb

Points: 669


Tama gotch. Isn't that sweet! :mellow:

Long time no update! Sorry Guys...



Training: 9/9

Age: 3

Weight: 30 lb

Gender: Boy

Generation: 3

Points: 158

Username: HAPPY

Evolution: Tamatchi> Nikatchi> Tarakotchi


If you want to See a picture of him on vacation, Follow these steps.


1) Go to tamatown and enter the username HAPPY.

2) Go to the travel agency and click on the memetchi.

3) Enter this password. 72901 41601 Isn't he sweet?

He just got married to my V1 tarakotchi, Mimi. There are two Tiny babys Now! Also when I was shopping today I found this cute little pouch that matched his design exactly! Here's his stats.



Training: 9/9

Age: 6

Weight: 32 lb

Gender: Boy

Generation: 3

Points: 2716

Evolution: Tamatchi> Nikatchi> Tarakotchi


Right now she's a Hinotamatchi, same as her twin. She evolved from Tamatchi. These are her stats.


Name: Wuzzy

Training: 4/9

Age: 1

Weight: 42 lb

Gender: Girl

Whoa, she's going poo! Aww, she's so sweet on the toilet!

Generation: 4

Points: 3402


Yesterday I donated 30,000 GP to the king so now I have a crown and a Royal Costume! We visited her pop on TamaTown, and he gave her a letter.

Dear Wuzzy,I like it a lot here on Tama Planet. How are you in that little tropical design Case?

I hope you call me soon on your TamaCellPhone.

Love, Gotch. :rolleyes:
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