My Version 1 tamagotchi log!


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Here are other stats for Kimi:

Hungry: ♥♥

Happy: ♥

Training: {|--------}

Age: 0yrs

Weight: 10lbs

Name: Kimi

Gender: girl

Generation: 1g

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OMG I got my wish! Kimi is an Ichigotchi! ( :( )

She is 3yrs old, she should evolve tomorrow. I never liked Kuchipatchi, but all of a sudden I'm up in TamaTown saying I want a Kuchipatchi! ( :lol: )

Kimii was in love with my V2 Tarakotchi named Bobb. So Bobb and Kimi are both, well, Tarakotchis!

That's not all. I had the sound off, and connected them. They mated and had children! Baby boys! Aw! So adorable!

3 yrs old, still an Oniontchi. Hmm... I keep having him get sick *does the math*

Oh darn it I'm either headed for another ANNOYING Tarakotchi or an EVEN MORE ANNOYING Androtchi :angry: .


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