My v5 Tamagotchi Diary!


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Sep 13, 2008
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[SIZE=8pt]Hello, everyone! This is my first day on Tamatalk, as well as my first day owning the version five Tamagotchi. I've had previous versions, like 1, 3, and 4, so I already know the basics and stuff. I might bring in my other v3 again if I am able to find it, by the way, to keep a look out for that as well. Anyways, here's my first entry![/SIZE]


As of right now, the three children are asleep, as they have been since around 9 or so.

The first egg was a boy that evolved into a Mousetchi, the second was a girl that evolved into a Belltchi, and the third was another boy that evolved into a Mattaritchi.

Their bonding is at 0%, as they've only been in training once. I spent most of my time playing games with them and whatnot before they went to bed for the night.


Since I most likely won't be bothered to type out their full names, I'll call them by their nicknames which will be the following:

Oldest Son (Mousetchi) : 'Mouse'

Second Oldest Daughter (Belltchi) : 'Bell'

Youngest Son (Mattaritchi) : 'Matt'


That'll be all for today/tonight! Comments via PM would be loved, so don't be shy. <3

[SIZE=8pt] Here we are with my second day of owning a v5! The Songs (that's the family's name) woke me up around 7 a.m. with their beeping which I was defiantly not happy about, but I fed them and cleaned up their poop anyways. After I found that I was unable to fall back asleep, I gave in and played a few rounds of tea time with Mouse. [/SIZE]


I also might be bringing back an older version of my tamagotchi, most likely the v3 if I am able to find it. My v4 is up at my friends house in jacksonville which is four hours away by car so I defiantly won't be getting that one back anytime soon. xP


I did some training with the three at 10 a.m. but their bonding is still at 0%. :\ I'm hoping that'll change soon once noon rolls around.

[SIZE=8pt]Sorry I haven't posted any updates! Being in high school defiantly takes up a lottt of time, haha. >.<;[/SIZE]


Anyways, Mouse, Bell, and Matt are all teenagers now and will be evolving tomorrow! I've been doing a lot of training with them and bringing them to school with me so I can care for them there. Their bonding is now at 40%, by the way. I spend a lot of time playing games with them and whatnot. What I can't decide on, though, is what tamagotchi I should pick to become a parent once the time comes? Any advice via PM would be adored. <3

Oh, and these are the types of tamas I currently have, even though they aren't exactly what they used to be since they evolved, they're keeping their old names:

Mouse - Mamekatchi

Bell - Chamametchi

Matt - Korokotchi


Oh, and more good news! I put a new battery in my olddd v2 so now I'm playing that again, although it's really boring compared to the newer versions. Still, I'm playing it again. My current tama on there is a girl who I named Jazz. She's a teenager who just pooed (joy!) and is one year old, soon to be two. Her training bar is at three, weight at 52 (she defiantly could use some more exercise), and as you guessed, generation one.


Not only that, but my friend that lives a while away from me found my v4! I'll be getting that back through the mail soon enough and will be able to add that to my growing collection of Tamas. <3

[SIZE=8pt]Well, the Song's evolved into adults yesterday, and I'm extremely happy with them! =D[/SIZE]

Mouse turned into a Furkikotchi, Bell turned into a Violettchi, and Matt turned into a Nemotchi. <3

I've been having them do a lot of training, so they're bonding is currently at 70%. I'm hoping that it'll increase once 6 p.m. rolls around in about a half hour.

If I have time tomorrow due to the fact that being in a marching band means playing at a football game, I'll get one of them, most likely Bell, in on the dating show.


My v2 is doing well, although I find it extremely hard to keep interest in it. Jazz evolved into an adult tama today, one that looks sort of like a football player (I've always hated that one, but oh well). Her training is one bar being away from full. =D

Also, she is at 3 years old (should be turning 4 soon) and weighs 74 pounds. Yeah, I'd say she's pretty overweight. xDD


That's all for now, though. I hope I'll have enough time to come online and post tomorrow after the game. :]

[SIZE=8pt]Well, after doing a bit of research on the internet, I realized just how stupid I had been when it came to my pink with red hearts tamagotchi. It turns out that it's a v1, not a v2. xD Oh well, at least now I'm clear on things. [/SIZE]

At the moment, the Song's are all sound asleep. I missed the 6 p.m. training because I was eating dinner, but I'll be sure to catch up on things tomorrow.


Jazz is still awake and I just finished playing jump with her. She's doing well, just bouncing around the screen as usual.


I'm glad that I've gotten a little over 40 views for this log so far. Thanks for reading, guys! I hope you enjoy checking in with my tamas, and don't be afraid to send a friendly PM every now and then! <3

[SIZE=8pt]Well, there aren't any big updates yet. The Song's should be able to go on the dating show, except when they were in my bag that I take to school everyday, some buttons got mashed around with and the date and time changed so that when I looked at the clock this morning, it said September 18th instead of September 20th. [/SIZE]


I'll be doing some training with them once the times roll around, seeing as their bonding is still at 70%.


Jazz is still asleep at the moment. She's five years old and one bar away from having full training. I'm excited for the matchmaker to come so she can have a baby. :]


That's all for now. <3 Thanks for reading and be sure to send some PM's if you'd like!

[SIZE=8pt]Not much has happened since the last time I posted. The Song's are still adults and unable to go on the dating show because of the stupid time/date change that happened by accident. D:[/SIZE]

Their bonding is at 80% and I've been spending a lot of time playing with them, seeing as there's not much else to do. Hopefully sometime today I'll be able to get them on the dating show. If not, then there's always tomorrow! They just pooped and I cleaned up after them, woohoo?


Jazz is also doing well. She, too, just pooped and got cleaned up after. She's currently 6 years old, weighing 93 pounds. I hope the matchmaker will be coming soon! Her training is still one bar away from being full and she's been doing a lot of exercise.


I'm still waiting for my friend to send down my v4 sometime soon, and I'm excited for when that's going to happen because I miss it alot. xP

[SIZE=8pt]Sorry I haven't posted! I guess my v5 had a stinky battery because it reseted by itself over and over again, and then the screen would just go blank for a bit. I read up on it and I'm almost positive it's the battery, so my stepdad's going to buy me another one tomorrow. It's sad though, because that means that the Songs were lost. :( I'll have to start over with another family once I get the new battery.[/SIZE]


In other news, Jazz was visited by the matchmaker a few days ago and was given a baby boy! They spent the usual 24 hours together and then Jazz departed in the middle of the night. She was eight/nine years old. I'll miss her. </3 At the time being, her son, Bob, is a teenager who looks sort of like an onion. xD He is the second generation, currently weight 23 pounds and being one year old. Also, his training is at three bars so far.


That's all for now. I'll be on tomorrow with the new v5 family, I hope! If not, stay tuned for more about the 'exciting' adventures of Bob, the v1 Tamagotchi. x]

[SIZE=8pt]Well, I'm sorry to say that the Song's are officially lost forever. :) After resetting because my tama was acting funny due to the battery issue, I created a brand new family that are called the Clouds. [/SIZE]

I hatched the three eggs yesterday afternoon. This was their order: Boy, girl, boy.

Now, they are the same children I first had when I had the first generation of the Songs!

Boy #1 is a Mousetchi, girl #1 is a Belltchi, and boy #2 is a Mattaritchi.

These will be their names:

Mousetchi - 'Squeak'

Belltchi - 'Song'

Mattaritchi - 'Matterz'

Currently, their bonding is at 0% and they are contently jumping around the screen. :blink:


I'm also sorry to say that yesterday, somehow, Bob passed away. I have no idea how it happened because the last time I had checked him, he had been perfectly content. I'm going to miss that onion-shaped boy. </3

I hatched another egg yesterday, a boy, that I named Chad.

He is currently a child; just a white circle type tama.

He weighs 18 pounds, is 0 years old, and has one training bar.


That's all for now! =D


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