My v5 log!


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Dec 27, 2008
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Okay so I just restarted my v5 (and no this is not the celebrity v5 , it's the normal one.) So I named my family the Ramos family! ;D

The Ramos Family:

Omututchi: Laura (daughter)

Mimifuwatchi: Mitchel (son)

Futabatchi: Marylin (daughter)

Okay so currently my hungry and happy hearts are all the way up. :)

I would put the images of the hearts but I'm on my dad's iPod Touch so I can't do the coding at the current moment. And my bonding percentage is currently at 0%. I have potty trained them once already, sadly I missed the other times.

so right now my goal is to play these generations of my tamagotchi without cheat codes. Okay well I'm gonna go to sleep now and I'll update on their evolutions tomorrow! ;D

Nighty night & sweet dreams everyone! (;

<3 Carla;

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My tama familitchi family evovled last night but I chose not to post about it. I'll post some stats! ;D

The Ramos Family:

Laura: Belltchi

Mitchel: Mousetchi

Marylin: Tororotchi


Hungry: OOOOO

Happy: OOOOO

Bonding: 0% )':

Generation: 1

GP: 80

I played some games with them to bring up their gotchi points. I'm really working on not having to cheat and make a real family. Laura talked with the fridge today and I laughed. It made me smile. :)

I was so happy to see them evolve! I trained them once today. I let them play the tambourine! ;D

I'll post later when new things happen.

<3 Carla;

Late post I know, but I feel like updating everyone. So today was fun! My tama family got to experience their first fishing trip! ;D

My family went fishing and I brought them with ne and they got to experience fishing for the first time! (;

I think I will post their stats!

The Ramos Family:

Laura: Belltchi

Mitchel: Mousetchi

Marylin: Tororotchi

Hungry: OOOOO

Happy: OOOOO

Bonding: 0%

Generation: 1

GP: 160

So yeah, I'm working on keeping the hearts up. And I think that I will post some dialogue soon. I'm sure they want to talk especially Laura (she's very talkative especially since she loves talking to that refridgerator. And I still have not picked who I will have go to the dating show. I have a liking to Laura, but I'm not sure yet.

So today my tamas called for me three times and I bonded with them! ;D They made two balloon dogs and played the tambourine! And I was so worried because I woke up late and they were hungry and unhappy and I felt so bad! Okay time for stats!

The Ramos Family:

Hungry: OOOOO

Happy: OOOOO

Bonding: 10%! :)

Generation: 1

GP: 230

Yay! Dialogue time!

Hi everyone! Carla here. Okay kids introduce yourselves!

Hi there! My name is Laura and I am too busy to talk because I am talking to the fridge.

Hi! My name is Mitchel! I am the middle child but it's okay. I hope that I get to be picked as the one to get married. But also maybe go back to Tama Planet so then I can watch over my neieces and nephews of whichever one of my sisters' children.

Hi thur! I'm Marylin, like Marylin Monroe! I think that I'm the best choice to have get married because well I'm the best!
