My v5 log


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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2008
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hello everyone! im buddy123.



???: heeheem!!!

OHH YEAH these are my tamas!!!

my uhyotchis name is Jerry!!

Jerry: sup...

my watatchis name is stella!

stella: jerry, cant you be more proper!! hello everyone.

and my mukugetchis name is sunny!

sunny: life is just a big ball of darkness!!

(hes emo) well now that you know my tamas, lets get started!!!

sooooooooooo...what do you guys want to do?

jerry: EAT!!

sorry not yet!

jerry: :) ! When??!!

not till 5:30-6:00

tamas: aaawwwwww

stella: can we play with the train?

sure! well i got to go set up the train. bye!!

jerry and stella: See yaa

sunny: watever

stella: SAY BYE :D


hello this is sunny. plz dont tell buddy im on. i need help.

you see.. the reason im always down is because...well.... i have no friends!

so.. can someone pm me so i know i have someone that likes me.


stella: sunny is that you?

sunny: nnnoooooo!!! i got to go! bye!!!!!!

Hello everyone! youll never belive what happend!

sunny got married!! im so happy!!! i mean 10 days ago he was

he hatch! sniff sniff, they grow up so fast!! :( :( :( :( :(

but thats not the worst part...they all left :(

but sunny did give me the eggs so now i have three tots!

there names are bob,bella, and sunny jr.

sunny jr: just call me JR.

bob: bob want food!

bella: hey buddy, now that im born we'll get loads of views and fan mail!

bob and jr: :mellow: :D :D :D :D HHHHAAAAAAAAA!!

bob: lots of views?!! because of you?? thats a good one sis!!!

bella: :angry:

jr:uuhhhhh bob.

bob: yeah?

jr: i think she was tring to be seriouse.


bella: get bake here!!!!!

Well i got to go so bye!!!

bella: when i get my hands on you!!!!

Hello everyone!

tamas: sup!!

sooo guess what!

tamas: what???



bob: thats a lot!!

bella: see.. i told you that we would get views!!!

jr: yeah, sorry sis!!!

bella: its ok!!

now that we have 19 views... im taken you to the game room!!


bob: bob still want food!!

ok well i got to go!! bye




my tamas left me!!! so once again i have new tamas!!

this is minimum!!!

minimum: its mini!! hello.

this is sarah.

sarah: hiai

and this is alvin!!!

alvin: im gunna rock this house!!!!!!!!!!!!

these are my tamas :)

i aready got there bond up2 100

tamas: we love u :blink: :blink: :blink:

mini:eek:k this is getting to mushie!!!

lets talk about somthen else!!!

alvin: yeah!

so now that we have free time, what do u wanna do?

alvin: get new toys!! :D

sarah: go to the game room!!!!

mini: ask u a question!

ask away

mini: where do tamas come from?

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

maby when your older!!!!

sarah: lets go to the game room!!!!


alvin:then the toy store!!!!


ssssssooooooooooooooooooo! i got a suprise for u tamas!

tamas: what?

ur growing tomarow! :)

tamas yyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well i got to go. ill post something later so bye!!!

tamas: ssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hello everyone!

tamas: hello everyone!!

i have very exciting news. my tamas...

alvin: we are teens now!!!!!!

mini: im a bakutchi!!

sarah: im a ichoigotchi!!!

alvin: im a korokotchi!!

yes they are, and im very proud of them!!!!

the next growing day should be moday through wednesday!!!!!

sarah: i want to be part of the cheerful family!!!!

alvin: i want to be part o the ninga family!!

mini: guys thats not for a while! but why we are on the subject... i want to be part of the kupa family!!!!!

alvin: hey im hungry!!!

sarah,and mini: us too!!!

uuuuuhhhhhhhh mini!!!!! you just pooped!!

mini: sorry!!

now that your teens your going have to use the potty!!!


your not kids any more!!!!!

alvin: yea....hey can you play monopoly with me!!

mini: i want to play!!

sarah:me too!!!

alvin: ok but i get to be the car!!

sarah:no im the car!!

hey if we're play i get to be the car!!

tamas: fine!!

well i got to go!!


tamas: bye!!!!

Hello peps!!!!!

tamas: hi

guess what? my tamas grew!!!

mini:im a sukatchi

sarah: im a memetchi!!!! and im very cute

mini: :( yeah right!!!!!!


alvin:im a mametchi!!!!!!!!!

im so proud of you guys!!!!!

mini: i seeing someone speceil!!!

hey you never told me that!!

mini: so

i forgot, you guys should start thinking about marriage!!!

tamas:wah? ;) :kuribotchi: :( :eek:

well i got to go so bye!!

tamas: seeeyah!!!!!


just wanted to tell you that i would be showing up on

fireball602s log so seeyaa then!!!!

hello everyone! guess what, alvin got married! ane i got the mame family!

the older bro witch is a mametchi is named jimmy!! :nyatchi:

and the younger sister is a chamametchi! her name is rachel! but we call her ray!

ray: great to be here!

jimmy: hello! :D

ray: jimmy, can you take me to the park?

jimmy: not right now!

ok jimmy you can tell her now.

ray: tell me what?

jimmy: nothin much. just that tomarows your first day of scool!

ray: tank you buddy ive always wanted to go to school!

i know. thats why your going!

jimmy: just wait till you get there youll hate it!

dont tell her that!! youll do great!

ray: are you sure?

yep! ooppps! got to go scool shopping.

jimmy: lets get money frist.

ray: yeah we can go to the arcade!

go to go! bye!

tamas: seeya :wacko: :hitodetchi:

hi everybody!

tamas: hi peps!

jimmy: ray tell our viewers about school.

ray: it was funish. :( i made a new friend!

you never told me about her!

ray: weeelllllllll... its a boy!!!


ray: im kidding. shheeesshhh :) !

jimmy: you shouldnt kid like that!!

ray:sorry :(

its all right! do you have any homework?

ray: B) :eek: :eek: :unsure: nnnnnnnnnnnnooooooo :ph34r: :eek: :eek:

uhhhhhh go do it!

ray: fine! only if milly can come over!

HEY!!! no negoshiating! but she can come when your done with homework!

i got to go so by!

tamas: bye!!!

ray: :( Bye jimmy :(

oh, hello everyone, jimmy found a special lady and were saying bye!

ray: im going to miss you! :(

shelly: dont worry, youll see jimmy everyday!

( shellys his wife)

ray: no i wont!!! ;) your moving to JAPAN!!! :D

uummm ray. weve been talking and...

jimmy: YOUR COMING WITH US!!! :lol:

ray: what about you buddy?

ill be fine! you go with your bro!

ray: ok! im coming!! :lol: :D :)

jimmy: thank you!! well we got to go so bye!

ray: BYBY!!

ill miss you!! well there gone


???: AAWWWWOOOO!!!!!!!

???: are you ok?

???: yea im fine!

Whats in there? WOW its tamagotchis!!!!


Voice from the ceiling: Last time on buddys tama log!!!!




???: ru you ok?

HEY its tamagothcis!!


Hey its little tots!

???: we're not tots!!

???: yeah were growing into teens tomarow!!

well, sorry! whats your names?

tamas: we dont have names!!!

ooohhh! wow, you look hurt!

???: well i just fell out of a tree!

here let me take you in my house!! and ill name you!

tamas: ok!

your name is buba!

buba: k!

your name is jess.

Jess: i like that name!!!

and your name is bramble!!

bramble: weird but ill take it!!!


ssooooo do you want to stay with me?

buba: i do!!!!

bramble: no!!!!

well its two votes each. its up to jess!

jess: i say.....


voice from the ceiling: will jess say yes, or no!!! stay tuned!!!!

voice from the ceiling: previously on tama talk!

sooo do you want to stay with me!

buba: i do!!

bramble: no!

well jess, its up to you!!!

jess: i pick....


jess: ummmmm :D YENOYENOYEEEENOYES! I say yes!


Bramble: fine!

buba: what do you want to do?

jess: i dont know!

bramble: lets paint!

buba and jess: YEA

jess: can we paint buddy?

of course!!

but first i have a present for you!!!!! wait where is it!!

bramble: I KNOW!!!!!

jess: Where!!!!

bramble: well i saw this show and it showed a robber!!!!! hes around somewhere!!!!!

buba: where do you think hes is?

bramble: there he is! you have to help me!!! stand up!!!

buba: STAND UP STAND UP!!!!!

tamas: swiper no swiping! swiper no swiping! swiper no swiping!!!!!

swiper: your to late!!!!!

we need your help!!!! if you see him PLZ PM!!!!!


tamas: plz pm!!


tamas: *painting* hi

well, we caught swiper!!!

bramble: it wasnt easy but with my skilage we did it!!!

* dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah*

jess: we did it!

we did it!

buba: we did it!

tamas: holah!!!

boma seemo!

buba and bramble: we did it!!!

jess: WAIT!!!

* music emidiatly stops*

jess: what do we do with him!!

bramble: we take him back to where he belongs!!!

buba: you dont mean...

bramble: i do!

jess: im not going there!!

hey can you tell me where your "not" going!?

jess: some say tamas sufer every day from it!

bramble: nobady knows where it came from!

buba: its has to be the worst thing ever!!

jess: its...

tamas: NICK JR.

omgosh!!! thats super dangerous!

jess: how about we mail him!


bramble: bubas buying the stamps!!

buba: why buy them if i could just go to my collection!!!

ok well igot to go mail swiper! OOHHH yea! my tamas are growing tomarow so stay tuned! thank for finding swiper bye!!

tamas: thank you!!!


tamas: hi!

jess: we grew today!

bramble: we are all grown up!!! :D

buba: am an adult!

*someone knocks on the door*

I'll get it!

ma:* barges in the door* im here my babaies!

pa: come here sons and daughter!!

ma: hows my little Einstine doing!

bramble: buddy we actually had names on our first day!!

jess: but we forgot them!

bramble: ma and pa my name is bramble.

jess: im jess.

buba: my name is buba!

pa: we are so proud of you!

tamas: thanks!

ma: sorry we barged in like this!

it all right! there your kids!

pa: not really! you raised them!

i wasnt there for there frist day!

ma: neither were we!

pa: not completely any way!

ma: they crawled away there 15th hour!

bramble: i lead them!

buba: he forced me!

jess: buddy ROCKS!!!

ma: i sorry buddy but were taking them back!!


buba: im not going!

jess: me neither!

tamas: were not going!

pa: they really love buddy. i say they stay!!!

ma: fine!! ilove you and we have to go!!

tamas: bye!!

thanks for coming!! that was close!

bramble:* yawning* im tired

jess: me to!!

well its time for bed so bye!!!

tamas: BYE!!!!!!! goodnight!

hello everyone!

tamas: hi

wait! we're missing.. bramble.

buba: hes on a date.

again? well i cant ground him hes an adult. he has to tell me where he is.

jess: well, he really likes her. arent you happy for him.

i am but, i dont want to lose more children. ive lost so many.

jess: its the circle of life! hes all grown up.

i guess your right. :eek:

bramble: im back!

how was your date.

bramble: its was awesome! after tonight i think on our next date...

wait! before you say anything, i want to say im proud of you. i just dont want yo to grow up! but jess opened my eyes!

bramble: thanks dad!

you called my dad!

bramble: as i was say, im going to ask her to marry me!

buba: thats great!

jess: i have news to. i have my first job.

whats your job?

jess: people saw me at my play and gave me a number. now... im a actor!!!

congrates!!! buba do you have news?

buba: yes! im going to live in antartica to save the polar bears! FOREVER!!

im losing you all. im so proud.

bramble: i got to go!

jess: me to!

buba: ill go get pizza!!!!

bye!! im so proud! see ya!!!!!!!!

hello everyone!

tamas: hi!

bramble: buddy, can you hurry up we got to go!

yeah. bramble finally purposed to flara!( his girlfriend )

flara: buddy.


flara: Can we stay with you?

well, of course! but what about the kids?

???: mommy im hungry!!

???: me to!

???: i want... nah, need food!

flara: lucy, teddy, sally, you have to wait, mommys getting us a house!

lucy: i like it here!

teddy: me to!

sally: im staying!

flara: yeah! so am i if just BE QUITE!!!!!!!

lil tamas: Sorry.

bramble: come childeren ill take you to the park!

flara: so can we stay?

uuummmmmm. YES

flara: THANK YOU!!! ill go tell bramble. bramble WAIT UP!

bramble: What?

flara: were staying!

lil tamas: YEAH!!!!

bramble: lets go out to eat to celabrate!! dont worry about the money, i just got a raise!!! So buddy will pay!

uuummmm..o..k? well i got to go so bye!

lil tamas: BYE!!!

ol' tamas: BYE!!!

hello my lovly fans!

lil tamas: WAZ UP!!

ol'tamas: hello!

flara: my little babies grew!

bramble: there mine to!!

teddy: mom! now that were older you have to stop treating us like babies!!

flara: but you are always going to be my babies!

sally: shes right!

lucy: dont be so hard on her teddy!

teddy: sorry mom.

flara: its alright!

now that your tots, you can go to tama earth expo! so ill take you!

lil' tamas: YES!!

bramble: you never took us!!!

i know i didnt have the money!

bramble: well im going!


flara: ill come to!

fine. well were gunna get going! by!

lil'tamas: bye!

ol' tamas: SEEYA!!!

hello everone! last post bramble said US!

when he said that he ment him, buba and jess!

so this post is all about past tamas, starting with buba and jess, so here there are!!

jess: hi!

buba: im back!

hi kida. how are you!

tamas: GOOD!!

so how life been for you!

jess: im married to a man named flung! here he is!!!

flung: hello!

jess: and heres my daughter named anabell!

anabell: its great to be here!

buba: im an uncle!!!!!

hows life for you buba!

buba: im an adventurer! i have been everywhere. im not married but live a happy life!

well it was good seeing you! next up is ray and jimmy!!!

Ray: hi daddy!

jimmy: hi dad!

so ray hows life with jimmy!

ray: its great. i work for him in his tool shop. get payed 10 yen a hour.

jimmy: she a real help!

so how are you jimmy?

jimmy: im good. havent changed much but good!

thats great! you guys can go sit with the others!

tamas: k

well, thats all the have tim for today stay tuned!

all tamas: bye bye!!!!!

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Hello everyone.

lil'tamas: hi!!!!!!

ol'tamas: hello.

lucy: im a teen now! :(

teddy: me too.

flara: im so proud.

bramble: wheres sally?

shes at her diving lesson.

sally: i got my licence! :D

all tamas: Congragulations!

sally: thank you.

flara: so do you have a car?

sally: yep. its a honda.

teddy: those are nice :(

sally: thats why i chose it.

lucy: can i go for a ride?

sally: sure!

flara: have fun

*door closes*

bramble: i cant belive she got her licence.

its incredibale!!

teddy: nothing ever happens to me!

flara: then go take the trash out.

teddy: fine :(

*phone rings*

flara: i'll get it!

who is it?

flara: its the hospital!



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