My V5 Log!


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Well-known member
Mar 13, 2007
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Hi people! I just got a new v5 yesterday! I have a a boy that is a mousetchi, a girl that is a tororotchi, and a boy that is a ahirukutchi. They are so cute! I don't know how to get them to bond. someone please tell me! PS anyone can post in here. Just no swearing. If you swear I will report you. Do NOT use bad words. :nazotchi: :wacko: :wacko: :ph34r: :huh: :huh: :huh: And I will not be posting in my other log srry people who liked it.

Hi! I just named my tamas. I named the mouseotchi Bennie(Ben), the tororotchi Mariea, and the ahirukutchi is Bill.

Bennie is sooooooo cute. He always comes with me to the tama expo. Exept I would like to have another tama come with me to the tama expo, too. Does anyone know how to do that? Please tell me if you do. I want Mariea to come with me just once. JUST ONCE, I TELL YOU!!!!! I LUV TOROROTCHIS!!!!!! They are so cute! And so are ahirukutchis. I LUV ALL TAMAS!!!!! Oh, Bennie wants to talk!

Me: Ok, Bennie, put your fingers on the letters that you want to type.

Bennie: Like this?

Me:Good Job, Bennie! Ok, just keep typing.

Bennie:Hello! Its king Ben! I don't like it when mommy calls me bennie. I think it is a S-T-U-P-I-D name.

Me:Bennie, do NOT say the word stupid.

Bennie: Ok, Mommy!

And, I found out how to get them to bond, everyone! They have 20 bond points.

:huh: ~Lily~ :p

Now they got 30 bonding points!


They didn't evolve yet. Still cute little children, Still.....

Bennie: I am hungry. Feed me NOW!!!!!!Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! :(

Me: Ok Bennie.

Mariea: :huh: Hi..... Everybody..... Hehehe..... I sound wierd.....

Bill: Hi people Im Bill the super hero!!!!! *CRASH* I..... Uhhhhh..... Im asleep now. Nothing happened. Bye!

Me: BILL!!!!! *I get dizzy looking at the mess bill just made* Bill!?! What did you do!?!

Bill: Nothing..... I mean..... *Fakely Snores* Don't wake me.

Me: Mariea, would you go get some chips for your *CoughCoughShortCough* Brother?

Mariea: Get away from me you meanie!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Mommy!!!!!

Me: :( WHAT MARIEA?????

Mariea: HE HIT ME!!!!! :(

Me: Bill, go to your room.

Bill: *sniffsniff* Ok. *sniffsniff* :(

Gosh, I got to get all of this tamagotchi kid stuff done. Gotta Go Bye!!!!! :( :(


They were supposed to evolve today ARGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

:huh: :eek: :D :D :p

GOTTA.........GO...........NOW BEFORE I DESTOY YOU................GARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: THEY CHANGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

axctually, they changed yesterday at 12:40 pm.

Bill is bakutchi, the bomb guy, Maria is ITCHIGOTCHI!!!!!!!! Ben is Mameketchi!!!!! :eek: :ichigotchi:

:eek: :eek: :D MY V% EVOLVED!!!!! Ben evolved into a sukatchi, bill is a kutchipatchi, and Mariea is a beautiful Memetchi ^_^ :D !!!!!YAY!i can not wait for them to get to mating age! THAT WILL BE SOOOOOOOO Cool!!!!!

Gotta go bye!

OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't wrote in this diary for a LONG LONG LONG LONG LONGLONGLONGLONGLONGLONGLONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well... I stopped writing when I forgot to..... actualy, my v5 ran outa batteries on .....ehem..... March 1st.

Well, now I have a NEW family, I acsedentaly reset it..... no memory, no parents exept me..... XXXSADXXX.....

They are a boy named Mattik, ( Matt 4 short) Girl is Flowha, (Flower)and Bengal is my little boy.( Ben.....)

Kinda wierd names but ooOOoo I like em. Hey they wanna talk!!!!!


Mattik: Gosh! You are the creep! You almost hurt yourself!

Flowha: OMG!!!!! You know what??? OMG to you!!!!! I can't believe that YOU tell ME that I did something wrong! It was U!!!!!!!!!!

Bengal: Whispers: HaHaHa.I put the sand in her bed. HaHa I took her bra. HaHaHaHaHa she fell of her bed.

Mattik: IT WAS HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bengal: :D :D :p :p :p

Flowha: He wouldent do that! YOU are Such A CREEP! You are blaming my 2 year old bro for doin sumtin like dat?!?

You otta be ashamed uv yoreself!!!!! Sorry im not dat good at english.....

Mattik: I heard him say it! I heard him confesssssssss!!!!!!!

Bengal: HaHaHa I did do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You hear me!?!?!? I DID Do It!!!!! Don't blame Mattik!!!!

Flowha: Ok..... well..... don't do it again........PLEASE.............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bengal: Ok bye! *Runs away from Flowha and Mattik*

Well I got a sitchuation here. Bye!

Post Closed (*_*) BYE-BYE!!!!!! :p :p :p :p :lol:

P.S. Mattik is a Mame Katchi Flowha is a Cha Mametchi and Bengal is a bakutchi( Bombtchi)

Seriously BYE, BYEBYEBYE!!!!!!!!

Ok... :) ;) ;) :( :( I dont have enuf time to write in my log anymore... gosh, I havent written in so long! Well, dont say Im quitting... Im not, im just not doing it anymore. Ok? ok. bye!
