My V5 Log!


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New member
Jan 31, 2008
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Hello there, I'll start with this morning to freshen up peoples minds.

This morning my mom and I woke up early because she had to go to work. So we went to Starbucks (I got a hot chocolate) and there is a Walmart across the street. I said can we go to see if they have the v5's. She agreed and we went inside I made my way to the tamagotchi isle. I saw a ton so I looked at all of them and picked the cookie dough design.

I was so excited and then I found a violetchi pet pouch to keep it in. We paid for our things and then left my mom had to open my tama with her key. So the case was pretty mangled I ignored it and un-tabbed it. Then I waited finally the eggs hatched the main one is a futabatchi. The family name is Immi.

So through out the day I played TV surfing and Tea Time I also went to the shopping channel and bought some things. I bought a snack and a sand castle thing. Than at I think 10:40 the eggs hatched I have a tororotchi, ahirukutchi, and a sakutamotchi. So cute! So my mom and I left.

I came home and an amazon box was there I opened it and inside was my cotton candy v5! I thought it would be here later in the week but it came today. So I un-tabbed this tama and named the family Tiki. The babies I have are a omututchi, mimifuwatchi, and futabtchi. I fed them and played games. Then I connected the 2.

They played 2 games so far and they can't get married since they are both girls so I will have to use the dating channel when they are adults. So as of right now the Immi family is toddlers and the Tiki family is babies. I will update as soon as the Tiki family changes.

Thanks for reading!


Hello again to people who have been reading. I will have pictures very soon although they might not be that great because they will be from my cell phone. Anyhoozer my cotton candy v5 changed into toddlers!

I now have a belltchi, mousetchi, and a tororotchi the belltchi is my favorite. So I woke up (8:42) and heard them all beeping my cookie dough one lost all of the happy hearts. So I asked my mom to play with my cotton candy one.

I played tea time and got to I think 12 and then connected the tamas they are now friends they always play the keyboard game. Its really cute! Then I looked on the shoppping channel with the Immi family and bought something that looks like mayonaise.

But it wasn't in my food so I looked in items and it was there and it made alot of beeping noises. But then they got happy right now the Tiki family is playing with their karaoke machine. I am also about to connect them they are playing the key board game and the Immi family won!

The Tiki family usually wins, I will type more later if anything happens!



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