My V5 Log! By GrapeOmapeO


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Well-known member
Dec 22, 2008
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^_^ Hi it's me GrapeOmapeO this is my log about my v5 and I hope you enjoy. Dont Forget to pm me. Enjoy :furawatchi:

Its like about lunch time over here right now and I was having lunch a minute ago and I left me Tamagotchi in my new pocket I got from nan for chrisy so it's hearts are down a bit. I'm feeding it right now so yeah and oh and my Tamagotchi beeped for attention and I choose the easygowing icon and they made paper planes. How cute ;) . GrapeOmapeO :furawatchi:

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:furawatchi: My V5 log! :furawatchi:

Omg omg omg omg my Tamagotchi's just evoled into adults then they needed attention so I did the crayons and they drew a picture of there house it was cute so bye. Dont forget to pm, my pet needs to hatch. chow :)

Its like 8:27 where I'm right now. My Tamagotchi just had dinner (they had sushi) and I played tea time with them so yeah and in two days they might be able to marry. I might marry Violetchi or Yonepatchi so yeah I'm finishing posting in my log for tonight but I'm still on for now. Goodnight

P.S: oh and my Yonepatchi was vacuming

with her mother. How cute :)

its like morning here my Tamagotchis woke up before me so yeah I sleeped in. Well all i can say is my Tamagotchis are having there brekky and I might play Tea Time with them and when I got up to the word woke (on my log) my Tamagotchis pooped so yeah I'll post when ever I feel like it. Chow :mimitchi:

P.S Dont forget to pm me, Sugar has to evole

some day

Its brunch over here my Tama had a balace biscut and some milk and right now Mememamatchi and Papamametchi are kissing Mememamatchi kisses first three times then Papamametchi does the same to her its very cute so I might posted at lunch time depends on what I'm doing today or I might post at linner so yeah. chow. GrapeOmapeO ;)

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I'm posting now because I could not post at lunch because I vomited and my dad said I had to have a rest I'm sick. For dinner my Tamagotchis had motchi, well exleast I think thats what it was anyway. Papa and Mama went on a date picking bannanas how cute so I've finised posting for tonight post in the morning. Goodnight :furawatchi:

hi its like about 8:27 here and its still dark for brekky my Tamagotchis had bread and a egg my bonding is 90 yay and they can marry today yay ill probly post when the Tamagotchi's are getting marryed ok. bye :furawatchi:

well I didn't post because I was at somebady house yesterday but i did have the laptop but it was low on charge yeah i was about to post when OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the charge level is 12 so i got off it and had to go and it took hours to get home because I live in northlakes and they live in springfeild so anyway my cute violetchi married a well it was something she turned into a Mamametchi and he turned in to a Papapatchi and they had a baby it was a Futabatchi until it evolved its now a Mattaritchi since he is so little for bekky hes going to have a biscut and some milk for breakfast so yeah chow and post ya later. ;)
