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Well-known member
Aug 19, 2007
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Okay. Today, for my b-day, MY FAMITAMA CAME! And instead of one, my parents surprised me with TWO! So I need some basic info. Right now my first one is a family of children, and the second one is also children. So cute!

Other things I got:

Mimitchi Tama leash

RC plane

1600 microsoft points

Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader? Touchpad Handheld

Alvin And The Chipmunks Movie

So, PM me if you want to give me info on the V5. I REALLY need it!

No bond yet.

V5 versions I have:


Space Rockets

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My thoughts On the V5:

Very odd. I had no idea that it would be bigger! Plus, the different beeps gave me a startle. Of course, the Black Spark's (V4) sound change was new, but these noises are very different! But anyway, here's the pros and cons of getting a V5:


More tamas to raise.

Contrast option.

New games.

That "new toy" smell. Ahhh... so relaxing to smell the buttons.


Can't connect with previous versions.

No mail or careers.

Can't see the screen very well.

It's so long for the guys to change!

Everything's been moved!!!!!

There's a new way of debugging (my freind got shocked and had to be rushed to the hospital. Don't worry, he's fine.)

Anyway, my guys statuses are:

Gaaaa family:

Hungry: ♥

Happy: ♥♥♥

Birth family:

Hungry: ♥

Happy: ♥♥

So, my tams are not doing very well. No bond yet, either.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that my Tama leash has Mimitchi on it, and a bonus charm. Cool!

Plus, part 4 of 5 of Mabec's Story is coming very soon! See what happens when two adults change back into tamababies!

Here's a sample: From the first few sentences:

"Wow," said :( . She was getting scared as the eerie glow of the purple potion approached them.

"Don't worry..." said Mabec......

Anyway, I have to send my grandfather info on what tama ancestors I want. He might be able to pick up some! Ones I want:





Digimon (2)

So, if you want, I'll send you some more of Mabec's story in a pm. And please PM me if you have cheats for the v5!

Time to hit the hay. What a long day today. Goodnight!


Alrighty. More info on my tams! And I've got some big details!

Birth Family:

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥


Gaaaa family:

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥


Gaaaa Family Bond: 20%!

Birth Family Bond: 10%!

These are the characters in my family:

Gaaaa: Ahirukutchi, Tororotchi, Mousetchi

Birth: Only a different character replacing Ahirukutchi: Bellitchi.

I wonder if our fav Mame, Kuchi, or Meme characters are here. I still have children. Plus, a package came today: $25 dollars! I now have $35 dollars in my account.

Anyway, I need to get back to the forums. See ya!

Alrighty. More info on my tams! And I've got some big details!
Birth Family:

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥


Gaaaa family:

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥


Gaaaa Family Bond: 20%!

Birth Family Bond: 10%!

These are the characters in my family:

Gaaaa: Ahirukutchi, Tororotchi, Mousetchi

Birth: Only a different character replacing Ahirukutchi: Bellitchi.

I wonder if our fav Mame, Kuchi, or Meme characters are here. I still have children. Plus, a package came today: $25 dollars! I now have $35 dollars in my account.

Anyway, I need to get back to the forums. See ya!
Okay...Another 5$ dollars! That's FORTY now!

Oh boy! My familys turned into TEENAGERS today! Satus:




Gaaaa family:



Okay, the new characters are:

Gaaaa fam:

korokotchi, Shellitchi, and Mamekatchi.

Birth family:

Ichigotchi, Bakotchi, and Shellitchi.

Anyway, we went to the Home Depot to get some flowers and mulch for the lawn. Only one problem: It was pouring down rain!!! My tams did not get wet, thanks to my home-made fabric holder, but we were soaking wet! I had to change clothes to even eat lunch!!! Anyway, I'm dry now. So I've been looking around tamatalk a bit. I wonder, will I get to the second gen on my V5? I hope so.

tamasuperlover is Outta the house! (also known as the forum box)

Alrighty. Today, my log is assembling a new format. Colors and different styles. Okay, tsl. Stop jabbering about your log's new look and feel and start jabbering about your tamas! Well, today I changed my account on here today. You'll notice the new avatar (that bomb was getting boring) and the new siggy. Mindy Cosgrove rocks! Wait, I'm getting off-topic here. So, some stats changed on my tams. Here you are:


Bond for tams:

Gaaaa family: 30% today.

Birth family: 20% today.


Stats: (hearts:)

Gaaaa family: Hungry:♥ Happy:♥

Birth family: Hungry:♥ Happy:♥


So I'm not doing very well. Anyway, today I was browsing tamtalk and found out about the posts on the podcast topic. I'm really hyped about this. (Quick note: You'll be hearing a computer voice, I wish not to let my voice be heard. So don't think I'm a robot for saying in that voice.) If you have'nt read the podcast topic, click here. So, what else has been happining here in the city of no sun? Not much, just a lot of rain and a lot of noise. Our water is to be shut off tommorow, and we'll be without it for a day. They're doing water main construtcion on the roads, so the sidewalk, road, and yard will be ripped up. They're also doing asphalt repair. So I might have to go grab that daily shot of mocha at 5:30 in the morning. (Just kidding, I hate mochas, and I don't drive a car.) Also, I've been reading the V6 want list, and your replies to it (and your ideas) are good. I would love the ideas, and they are all good. Some people are calling me harsh, and I don't mean to be that. I'm simply pointing out some problems and flaws with the ideas. So no one call me the harsh word anymore.


Plus, I'm thinking of building a new Freewebs website: RealReviews. I'm not sure of what it would review, but if I want to, I'll make it. The basic idea would be making reviews on movies, toys, and games that kids want, but parents are worried about. Anyway, I might build this. I don't know yet.


Anyway, I've also been thinking about the V5.5 Tamagotchi. It comes out in June, so I'm on my toes, looking on every website known to man to see if I can catch a snippet of info about it. I wonder if they're going to incorporate any new features into it.


Well, I'd better get going. There's more stuff to see on TamaTalk. Bye!

YOU [censored]! YOUR LITTLE FAT[censored]KILLED-Oh hi! You know, there's something called knocking before clicking. Anyway, I was hit by a virus last night. It wiped out EVERYTHING! My tama book is gone, my backed up files are floating in heaven, and I've had to wash out my eyes from the adult content it dumped on my hard drive! @@@@@ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@@ words are still bleeding from their wounds.So, I have left my tamas on pause for about this entire week. I have had so many things in my schoolwork and stuff....Summer vacation, why do you come so fast?

In memory of my first-gen family, there shall be no siggy, to honor the fact that My 2nd-gens have come....


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