My V4 Logs


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Dec 29, 2008
Reaction score
StatsHunger: OOO

Happy: OOOO

Training: Full

Intel.: 258

Arts: 92

Social: 123

3 years

23 pounds

Gender: Boy

1st Generation

Hello, my name is Obama. My owner named me that because I was a black boy when I was a baby. He has since found out that all Tama baby boys are black! :D Its okay, he has a man crush on Obama anyways. :D

I am in love with my owners' fiancée's Tama. She is a Urayoungvioletchi. My owner used to joke about her looking like a pile of poop, but i always thought she was beautiful. My owner calls me a craddle robber, because she's 1 and I'm 3, but when she's 4 and I am 6, I will marry her, and we will have such beautiful babies! I love my Katy!

I am looking for pen-pals from other Tamas. The only Tama i know is Katy, so I would love to have other friends, so that when I move to Tama Town I have friends!!! So feel free to have ur owner send my owner a PM!!!

With tama-love,


P.S., I will post pictures of my Katy and I together a little later on!

This is Obama's owner. I do NOT have a man crush on Barack Obama. I just think hes an awesome politician and supported him throughout the entire campaign.


Yes, I think Obama and Katy will be good together. She is so beautiful now!

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Hunger: OOOOHappy: OOOO

Training: Full

Intel.: 258

Arts: 92

Social: 123

3 years

24 pounds

Gender: Boy

1st Generation

Just went to TamaTown. Won some money racing. I am good at racing! Then I bought a taco and a guitar! I love tacos! I'm gonna go sarronate my Katy after I get done writing this. I love my Katy and can't wait to get married!

With tama-love,


So much has happened in the last three hours. First off, I finally graduated! And right after, I had an interview. Now I am a preschool teacher. I've been working a lot since.

After work I spent some time with Katy. Man, she's a prankster! she's been giving me gifts today- of poop!!!! Then she gave me a jack in the box, scared the pee out of me! Thats al right, she finally gave me a set of drums! I love musical instruments!

I have been practicing on the guitar and the drums lately! I'm not half bad, if I say so myself. Im thinking of writing a few songs for my preschool class to teach them shapes, numbers, etc.

I still don't have any pen-pals. No one wants to send me any mail! Oh well, Guess the only tamas I will ever know are Katy and our (future) kids, and will just move to Tama Town with no friends yet...

With tama-love,


StatsHunger: OOOO

Happy: OOOO

Training: Full

Intel.: 298

Arts: 93

Social: 133

3 years

24 pounds

Gender: Boy

1st Generation

I went over to Katy's today. I came back with a baby boy! I feel kinda bad about it, though. She is only a teenager, She is 2 years old and weighs only 5 pounds. I, on the other hand, am an adult at 4 years old and 25 pounds. And now, she won't really get a chance to be a teen, you know? But we love each other, so i guess thats a that matters, eh? Its just weird... She's only a teen!

I'm taking care of my baby boy. Parenting is harder than i thought it would be. But I love being a father. Its awesome.

I guess I'll be going to Tamatown soon. I will have my Katy with me, but I won't really have any other firends there. it kinda saddens me. but life will go on!

This will probably be my last entry. Tonight I go to Tamatown. Its funny, parenting has been a handful. My little Cesar has been as difficult as can be. But... I still love him. He's my son. Its not that I don't trust my owner, I do. But who can raise a tama better than a tama?

Well, he can still visit, and I hope he does lots! He'll be able to call me in a few days whenever he wants. But still, he's my son and I will miss him.

I just can't describe how much my heart is breaking right now. **sobs a little**

Anyways, I will see everyone in Tamatown. Wish I had some friends to meet me there, but I don't, so alas!

I have decided to name my son Cesar. Its a noble and majestic name. Those are two attributes I want my son to have!

with tamalove,


Last edited by a moderator:
StatsHunger: OOOO

Happy: OO

Training: 1

Intel.: 17

Arts: 4

Social: 6

0 years

18 pounds

Gender: Boy

2nd Generation

This is Cesar. My first journal entry. Yay. I'd rather have my dad then some stupid journal!

Yeah dad left last night. I went to visit him this morning. He gave me 300 gp, but I'd still rather have my dad.

My brother, Dude, and I get along alright. But I'd still rather have my dad.

with Tama-love,

