My v4 log!


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Well-known member
Jan 21, 2007
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Somewhere in the computer...
Hi I will start my...I got mail! It's a heart! Oh sorry. What was I saying...oh yeah! I will my log since I did not keep up with the other one. I will not start in the beginning. My tama is an adult. She's a Maidtchi (sp?) I'll give you her stats.








kindness:30 (kind of mean :D )

weight:70lb (oops)




username: aabab


I got mail! I got a poop! :D Oh well I got all the hearts back up.


Please do not comment you can PM me but no commenting in this log please.

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Sorry I haven't posted here I've busy with homework. Well my tama died since I left it at school. ;) But I started again I have a Pyokotchi (sp?) and it has a job as a teacher! Here are the stats:[SIZE=14pt][/SIZE]


Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

training: lllllll




Name: Danni


Gender: Girl

Gen: 1


Username: AABAB

I will reply as soon as I can since I have to go now. Bye! Oh Danni says bye too.

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Alright so my Pyokotchi had a baby boy! And then it left yesterday. I have a mohitamachi right now. It's asleep so I can't take it to school right now. I'll give you his stats.


Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

training: lll



kindness: 3

weight: 18lb

years: 0

gender: boy

gen: 2

points: 17960 gp

username: AABAB

name: Danny


I'm going to ask my dad to take me to Wal-Mart so I can get a cellphone card, and then I'm going to see if I can get another Tamagotchi. I also got a v1 and a v2 from a friend! All I need is batteries.

Alright so yesterday my tamagotchi evolved into a hinotamachi! It looks awesome! Tomorrow it is supposed to evolve into an adult. I got for mail a heart, a snake, and a heart. It has full training points and it has 50 intelligence points. I bought 2 chests and I got turned into an ojotchi (sp?) both times. It looked weird when it was mad. Then I played jumprope to get its hearts up. I then pressed the 'c' button to see his animation and he looks a little odd close up. I finally got all training points filled up today with two praises and one time out. Oh wait Danny wants to say something right now.

Danny: Hi TamaTalk! Mom is talking about me right?

Me: Yes I am. I am talking about what we did today.

Danny: Oh.

Me: Yes, now go back to the house ok?

Danny: (huffs) Fine.

Alright I got nothing else to talk so, I'll post tomorrow when little Danny evolves. Danny: I am not little!. Me: Whatever. :mellow:

Alright I'll post tomorrow with new news (that souns weird :lol: )

Alright today at around 5:00 pm, my tamagotchi evoled into a Tosakatchi! It is very clumsy since it falls down on its face. It got for mail a snake, a heart, and a robber (who took 100 points.). I will tell you his stats on him while I figure out what to say next.


hungry: llll

happy: llll


intelligence: 51


kindness: 29

age: 2

weight: 78

name: Danny

points: 15760 gp

username: AABAB


I still don't know what to say next except that I can't wait till it gets a job.

Well today Danny graduated from school. Then he got a '!' mail that I didn't open until after school. But way before that I did something kind of risky. I was playing games while we were doing a lesson. I didn't get caught (Thank God for that). I played jumprope twice, once during a math lesson and once while we were doing an ISAT test prep. When we were going down to gym class my tamagotchi fell! Only one person noticed that it fell. At snack time I connected Danny with a friends v2. It's a toddler named...I don't know the name. ;) ;) Then during reading I checked and I got a fortune mail. I got 2 stars for points, 2 stars for hearts and 2 stars for health. Fair enough I thought. I usually take my tamagotchi with me and I always try to check on it. Today was not the day. :D It had only lost a ♥ and it went poop once. Then during bus dismissal was horrible, I couldn't find my tamagotchi! My desk is a mess inside so it is common for me not to find my tamagotchi. In the end I found it, but it had a price: I forgot my homework. :D Luckily it is only math and I can finish it before math time. Then on the bus I connected a few times with my friends v4. When I got home I opened the '!' mail and went job searching. Danny is now an accountant in tamagotchi national bank! :D I still haven't played the minigame yet since I don't want to. It had first tried out for a job as a scientist but no luck. Danny was kicked out with 3 xxx. :D Too bad for Danny. Right now I opened a fourtune mail and I got 3 stars for points, 2 stars for hearts, and 1 star for health. Now I opened a normal letter ansd I got a heart! :D Danny was sooo happy! Well I will post tomorrow on more about glow-in-the-dark tamagotchi named Danny. Oh and if you want to know why I name my tamagotchi Danny or Danni all the time is because those are Danny Phantom names and I am obssesed with DP! YAY! Dp!

Well I am now going to start my v2 and my v3 right now! Right now they are eggs. My v4 is already asleep. He is 5 years old. I kind of neglected him during school since I barley took care of him. Hey look I didn't notci they are now two baby girls! I just named both of them Danni. Danni 1 (v2) and Danni 2 (v3). Right now I played jump with Danny 1 and ♪get with Danni three times. I can't wait until they evolve. I will probably post tomorrow or late tonight to tell you what both Dannis evolve.


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