.:My V4 Log:.


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Well-known member
Feb 8, 2007
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Please don't post replys in my log PM me comments or answers if I ask them!





Today I got a V4 she was born at 12:54!

I named her choc she seemed really happy with her name!

I filled all her hearts up and played a few games of jump rope to lose some weight and also make some money for my little choc to spend! I did do all this at the shopping center while my mum was getting her nails done :eek: I packed a pair of scissors lol :marumimitchi: :chohimetchi: :ichigotchi:

So as I was saying... Choc seemed pretty happy and shes not to fussy and pretty easy going!

After an hour of cleaning up poop, feeding and best of all playing with Choc I heard a funny beeping sound so I quickley grabbed Choc and she was in the middle of evolving! She bacame a Harutchi! Im not sure if thats a good character or not but PM me if you know! She fell asleep about 5 minutes ago so Id thought Id start this log all about my awsome new tama!

:eek: :marumimitchi: :chohimetchi: Lonley :ichigotchi: :kuribotchi: :furawatchi:

I was really lonley before so I decided to rewind the time on my tama a few hours so I could play with her!

Its really lucky I did she got a letter from the king and enclosed was 1,500GP I was really happy! I played a few games with her and I think I might send her of to sleep again!

Goodnight Choc :gozarutchi:

So far this morning Iv gotten mail from the king with 200gp attached and another letter from the king with some more GP attached!

A bit later I noticed that my tama was getting over weight so I'll stop giving her treats to make her happy and play with her instead if I really cant be stuffed I'll just feed her treats

The attention icon went on withouther needing anything do I gave her a time out and she gained a skill point!

Thats all thats really happened...well I entered the shop codes if that counts as something...ohhh speacking of codes I remember! I went on tamatown for a bit and got her a juice for breackfast and I fed her a bowl of cereal she seemed to enjoy it! Well now I'll head of to TamaTown and figure out what she can have for lunch!


Sorry I havent updated for a while just nothing mutch has been happening, If anyone dose read this :angry:

Lil choc transformed into a Pyonkotchi! Yesterday she graduated and went looking for a job in the street but no one accepted her :huh: I hope she gets a job!

Its the morning now so I'll update after school!

-Chocola ^_^

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