My V4 Log!


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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
Michigan City, IN 46360
Yep, i finally got a V4 tama and it's been an experience for me. I got her on sunday durring the kickoff of the superbowl (don't care for it myself) and started it up when i got in my car. After setting the clock, user name and looking over the instruction a bit my tama hatched and i got a baby girl^-^ I named her Chi and started caring for her.

After a hour of pooping, eating and playing jump rope with a nap in between chi changed into her child form (don't have the name for the character yet but it's the little blue guy in the pre-school with black ears). About 30 minutes before going to bed chi got her first bit of mail, from the pre-school and she started her learning process. When 8pm hit she promptly went to bed, no beep or anything happened and her lights had been turned off!

The next day she was awake befor i got up, when i did at 9am to get ready for school (yea i'm going to college) she was allready awake and had 2 new bits of mail for her... one being from the pre-school saying she was ready for school! The day went smoothly for us since my class was only a hour long this time and around 7pm while eating supper she changed into a young mimitchi^-^ After that she went to school a few times and had a quick bath befor going to bed.

Yesterday and the day before were kinda boring for us, went over to a friends house to play kingdom hearts 2. yesterday though chi changed into an adult! While working on a site of mine she changed into a mimitchi! If anyone wants to know how i got a mimitchi send me a pm!

Well, i didn't get a chance to post again last night but about an hour after posting Chi graduated from school and got a job as a news anchor! She's pretty good at her job too cause she got her first pay of 2080gp this morning.

So so far today i've sent her to work a few times, she watched me sweep the house for my parents and got to see episode 4 of Avitar: The Last Air bender which is my fav show right now^-^

I'll post more later tonight since the matchmaker should be comming either then or tommorow sometime.


Ok it's almost midnight and i'm gonna make this a bit short cause i'm VERY tired^-^

Little Chi has been doing good at her job (the games kinda hard for me but i've gotten better at it). Right now were going to watch a movie on comedy central for a bit before i send her and myself to bed. Tommorow she's gonna have a boring day of work (sending her to work and her watching me make some yo-yo string) and probably watching a few movies before she goes to bed at nine.

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Well, this log will consist of yesterday and today's events. Yesterday i did house work to earn some money to buy another V4 mainly cause i want another^-^ but also so Chi's son/daughter will have someone to be friends with. So for about an hour or two i dusted for my mom and after that i just did my usual... watched tv (chi got to see 2 more episodes of Avitar^-^) and surfed the net.

Around 5pm my pal mike came over and we went off in my car to go to a friends house for a party he was having. Well we were gonna go in his car but chose mine for other reasons, first off we stopped at WalMart so i could see if they had anymore V4's there but they didn't... so we then went to Meijers to see if they had them but no luck there either, all they had were V3's and i already have 4 V3's and don't plan on getting anymore.

So after that we stopped off at a old friends house first out in the pines and stayed there for a bit... while there we ended up watching jackass number 2 and i never laughed my butt off so much in my life!

After that we headed off to the party, by this time chi was sleeping so i left her in my pocket while we drank a little and did some other stuff (smoked cigs, played video games and rapped) then headed home.

Today i woke up afte 10am and cared for chi, then went up to have breakfast and came downstairs where chi helped me think up of a topic for my paragraph writting assignment due tommorow. Since then i've visited tamatown and got chi a few items and more gp's (she's at 16,400 right now!) and now she's watching mythbusters with me. I'll update later on today after chi's gone to bed.

Ok, the past 2 days have been fun...

yesterday after posting (at least i think i posted) Chi went out with me for a bit to my friends Joey's house. While there she got a visit from the MatchMaker and i don't know who she married but she had a baby boy, then a short while after she got some important mail which turned out to be her getting a new job^-^

After looking i chose the school job and boy am i sorry i did... i just can't do good at the game on it now that her 4000 some gp pays per day will be down to probably about 1000 at the most. oh well though.

Today started at a early 9 am with me getting ready for school, so i got up and had a morning smoke and cared for chi and her son. Then went off to school where for two and a half hours i played the teacher mini-game and managed to do a little bit better than yesterday but not much. So after my class was over i came home and surfed for a bit before heading out for the evening.

Since this was my last night (i think at least... they leave after 24 hours right?) i wanted to do some stuff with Chi before she left. That ended up turning into 5 hours of me playing God of War and i did keep her and the baby happy and full. Tommorow is gonna be a good one though cause i'll get to start on the second generation^-^

Well, alot has happened since my last log.

First off tuesday morning Chi was gone and i had the task of caring to Haku the Tsubutchi... his first hour on earth was spent with me as i shoveled the friggin snow off the side walk and he changed into... heck i don't know who he changed into but he was adorable!

The rest of his day was spent watching me battle my friggin mouse till it finally broke on me... this was the main reason why i haven't been on for a while^-^ So the rest of the day was spent watching TV and seeing me torture myself by shoveling another two times and trying to get my mouse to work.

The next morning i knew he'd be changing so i kept my eye on him and finally while watching World's Wildest Police Video's i heard the familiar changing tune and watched as he became a gourmetchi, looked like a moving microwave! he was cute though and the rest of the day was spent well, doing nothing since i had no pc.

Friday i managed to get a new couse but not till late at night but that morning little Haku was sitting there watching me make strings for an order i got and went to get some food and left haku in my room. Well i came down about 10 minutes later to find me changed into Togetchi... the first thought to cross my mind was wtf? i didn't know what it was and it took about an hour of caring for it that i was ok with the character.

Today haku got a job in the clothing shop and is doing well in his job^-^ I'll post more tommorow though so keep an eye out!

Well, i haven't posted a log since..... oh..... 02/17/07 and i don't have a reason for it. Except i lost my little V4 after my last log and had to restart haku, so right now i have a 1yr old marutchi with a mowhawk and his stats are:


happy- full

training- |||





GP- 5500

He had a good first day too! He got to enjoy some french toast and bacon for breakfast followed by 2 hours of frisby at a friends house followed by some football. Then i came home and visited tamatown to find they did alot of changes since the last time i was there. They have 2 new games in the arcade, the train stations open but no towns are available yet, the offices, king and travel center is open also^-^

Tomorrow i got class so haku will have to be good while i'm studying and such.

sheesh... i just never seem to win. Yesterday I decided to paint haku's egg (it was a awefull color anyways) so when i got home from school i took him apart to paint the case and a wire fell off his sound card. I figured no big deal cause i know how to sodder and could fix the problem really fast, but as i went on things got a little worse.

First off I managed to paint his egg a lovely red and black combo (red shell and black border) but he still has glow in the dark buttons which i'm gonna try and find black one's (if anyone has black V4 buttons pm me). Well after getting him back together i noticed his sound wasn't working (note the underlined line about what i said) but i figured i'd fix the problem tommorow. Well I cared for haku all day after that, he did change into an adult durring class but i didn't know his name.

This morning i woke up and fixed haku's sound card first off and after putting him back together his sound was working again^-^ but a new problem arrised... his stats for getting a job (which were 124, 23, and 10) were all reset to zero! So i figured it would be best and i restarted haku. I'll post again later tonight after he's gone to bed.

Ok, here's part 2 of todays log.

After my post haku changed into something... don't care to memorize the names.... and since then he's gone with me on a walk in the fridged weather followed by a few episodes on CSI on Spike TV. After dinner (we had grilled chicken salads) we went over to my friend joey's house to hang and we ended up just driving for a few hours!


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