My V4 Log


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Well-known member
Jul 9, 2006
Reaction score
[SIZE=14pt]Hi, I am making a log for my v4s cuz I luve them SO much!! LOL.[/SIZE]

I have 2 right now, but tomarrow I might get another one.

I have the one with sunflowers on it, and the one with light pink and dark pink stripes.

I want the one with Orange bubbles or somthin' on it. B) That one is Pretty. B)

I also really want the one with waves on it. :p

I do have 40$$ So I might go to Target Tomarrow and buy 1 or 2 , if they have any...

( and yes the v4s are out in the U.S now, I live in Florida! B) )


Here are a few links to what my tamas and the ones I want look like :


My Tama v4 with sunflowers on it.


The v4 i have that has pink stripes on it


The blue wave v4 i want


The orange bubble v4 i want




They are so much fun!! Get one! :D


Ok, Ill start my log now:


My Sunflower v4 Stats-


Hungry- Full




Pounds-52 ( what a fatso lol )




Character-A young dorotchi, a little ghost with a bow!!! The cutest thing i have seen!!!!

Other v4 that is pink stats-







Pounds-48 ( too Fat!! )

Name- Mimi!


Character- a little panda looking toddler :) SO CUTE!!


They have been getting alot of mail. Also my sunflower one went to work and played a game where she had to choose which present had the pencil in it and try not to choose the other two with poop in them, and she got the pencil!!!

AWWW...She just got a heart in the mail. lol. so cute. :p


Well more tomarrow. Bye B)

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Sorry , I can't wait until tomarrow!


GUESS WHAT!? I WENT TO CHECK MY MAIL AND THERE WAS A ROBBER!!! ( on the sunflower on) !!!! :-(


HE TOOK 500 POINTS!!! He is so mean! :-( now my tama is sad......

It scared me so much that I spilled my coke on myself!


*scrubs stain shirt angrily*


I have decided to tell only about my sunflower v4. I want to take really good care if it! ;)


So, here are the stats:





Skill points-19


Whatever that flower means-8






Points-3460 gp

Username- Soda!

Character-Young Dorotchi

Cute-ness : 10/10 ( really cute! :D )


I just figures something out, when you press the "C" button when it is a toddler or older,it does a cute happy dance, or goes up close to the screen. !! awww.... :p

How cute! ^^

After dinner tonight my dad is taking me to target to get 2 more v4s!!

Ok i'm done with dinner!!! :)

Ok bye G2G we are headed to Target.


No, I don't mind , you can log here too! B)

Ok back to my log :

My dad took me to Target a few minutes ago, and I got one of the two I wanted. I got the Orange Circles one. :p I also want the blue wave one, it is really pretty, but they had none of those. B) My sis also bought one she got the glow-in-the-dark one. B) It really glows! LOL. :)



Hungry: -1

Happy: -1

Training: 3

Skill points-19

Arts points- 17

Flower thing- 9

Age- 1


Name -Bubbl

Gender- girl

Generation- 1

Points-2410 ( I bought sunglasses. )

Username- Soda! ;)


Ok well thats it I guess........Bye!

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Awww.... too bad :-( They are really cool.

My sis took back her tama and now i have only 2.

Thank you all SO much for your comments! :)

oh, and about the tamas:

they are both sleeping since it is 10:54 pm, bye!

[SIZE=14pt]OH! ok I just realized that the flower meant "Social"! :)[/SIZE]

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Ok, here are the stats , my sunflower tama just woke up. :)




Happy: -1












Character- Young Dorotchi


I just realized something. Items in the shop cost alot more than they do on v3s! :D

Like yogurt is around 1100 points!!!

I guess one of the guides deleted bubbles posts. :mametchi:

And every1 elses. :)

back to my tama:

She was unhappy so I fed her a snack cuz I was to lazy to play with her. LOL.

Now she weighs 52 pounds! :D What a fatso!

[SIZE=14pt]yeah, why cant we share a log? :huh: [/SIZE]


Anyway, Sorry I didn't post for a long tome today. I was at my friends house. :huh:


I went to v4 tamatown today, but I didn't put in the logout password into my tama. :huh:


Here are the stats:


Hungry: -1

Happy: -1

Training: 6

Skill: 53


Social: 21


Pounds: 42

Name: Bubbl

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1g


Character: Young Dorotchi

Username: Soda!



Thanx for reading my log! :huh:

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[SIZE=14pt]Sorry I like wasn't here earlier because I went to Disney World! But my legs hurt SO bad! :-( I need to go to bed soon. B) [/SIZE]


Any way back to my tama :




Nothin new really because my tamas were on pause all day, which is NOT good. I hope the ageing doesn't slow down to much. Also , right now they are sleeping. :mellow:





Well, TTYL , bye!! :(

Wow! 122 views!

It feels like i'm talking to myself! :wacko:

Ok, back to my tama:

She evolved this morning around 9, and she evolved into a

Are you ready?


PUKATCHI !!!!!!!!!!

She is finally an adult! :wacko:


Hungry- FULL

Happy- FULL

Training- 6/9

Skill (intelligence)- 64

Arts (?)- 27

Social (?)- 21

Age- 3

Weight- 37

Name- Bubbl

Gender- Girl

Generation- 1

Points- 13870

Username- Soda!

Character- Pukatchi ! (looks like a duck! but is still SO cute!)

ok G2G, I will post when something exciting happens! :wacko: :wacko:

P.S. Could some1 please tell me how you choose a job via PM? thanx, bye!

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WOW, 136 views! thanx guys! by the way, I just realized that posting in other peoples logs was against the rules. sorry, please DO NOT post in my log, just PM me with your comments, and please , NO rude ones. :) :)

Tamas R asleep, bye.

Wow, Thanx every1 SO much for viewing my v4 log!

Anyway, sorry I haven't been posting about my tama in a while and now it was on the second page!!!

My tama had really bad luck yesterday in the mail.

She got poop

She got a snake

She kept going to some place and no one would show up (that happened 3 times...)

A robber took 300 points

And She got another snake

;) :( :huh: :D :)



Hungry: Full

Happy: Full

Wow, Thanx every1 SO much for viewing my v4 log!

Anyway, sorry I haven't been posting about my tama in a while and now it was on the second page!!!

My tama had really bad luck yesterday in the mail.

She got poop

She got a snake

She kept going to some place and no one would show up (that happened 3 times...)

A robber took 300 points

And She got another snake

;) :D :angry: :angry: :angry:



Hungry: Full

Happy: Full

Training: 6/9






Name- Bubbl


[SIZE=14pt]HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/SIZE]

Right now it is 11:20pm in Florida, ( US ) :(

SO close to New Years! :(

My tamas are asleep, as always at this time of night. :(

I am so mad that my winter break from school is almost over! :) :)

And, what am I supposed to do with my tama while I am at school?

I do NOT want to bring it to school because there was a little insident last year involving ALL the tamas in my class being taken away......

Too bad... :( :( I wish we were allowed to take tamas to school... that would be cool! :(

Well , Happy News Years (again) bye!! :)

Sorry guys....

I woke up this morning, tama....was.....DEAD!!!!

I am SO sad, but my tama wan't even getting job offers or anything and she kept getting [!] letters and when my tama went to some place, no one showed up. ??????

(this happened MANY times)

Can some1 pleaz help me? :) (pm me with the answer)

Thanx, anyway, I dont think I will be posting about my tama anymore, so sorry,

This log is closed by me.


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