Well, I got my V4 yesterday. It's a white one with a splash around the screen, red buttons and red blobby thing on top.
Yesterday, I started it. It was a girl and I called it Bobbi (don't ask why xD), and I played Jumping Rope with it and fed it and all that stuff.
Then, it grew to a toddler. It's a Mohitamatchi... a blob with a mohekan. I think I should've called it a different name...
It went to sleep at 7 or 8 ( I forget ), and then woke up at 9 (am). It had mail, so I opened it. I came down to the computer and logged into TamaTalk. Then my little Bobbi had a visitor!!! It was a Guest Character, goes by the name of 'Nanny'. They jumped up and left behind their little clouds of dust, and then a sign appeared on my screen: 'Away'. I was excited, cause it doesn't happen on V3s or V2s.
When she came back, she had a present!!!!
Now, I need to clean her cause she's done a poo... There we go!
More info either later on tonight, or tomorrow.
I know, I sound like a person who's just set eyes on a Tama, but trust me, I only wrote it like that to put some more... something into it.
Best Wishes
Well, I got my V4 yesterday. It's a white one with a splash around the screen, red buttons and red blobby thing on top.
Yesterday, I started it. It was a girl and I called it Bobbi (don't ask why xD), and I played Jumping Rope with it and fed it and all that stuff.
Then, it grew to a toddler. It's a Mohitamatchi... a blob with a mohekan. I think I should've called it a different name...
It went to sleep at 7 or 8 ( I forget ), and then woke up at 9 (am). It had mail, so I opened it. I came down to the computer and logged into TamaTalk. Then my little Bobbi had a visitor!!! It was a Guest Character, goes by the name of 'Nanny'. They jumped up and left behind their little clouds of dust, and then a sign appeared on my screen: 'Away'. I was excited, cause it doesn't happen on V3s or V2s.
When she came back, she had a present!!!!
Now, I need to clean her cause she's done a poo... There we go!
More info either later on tonight, or tomorrow.
I know, I sound like a person who's just set eyes on a Tama, but trust me, I only wrote it like that to put some more... something into it.
Best Wishes
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