My V4 Log...


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Well-known member
Sep 20, 2006
Reaction score

Well, I got my V4 yesterday. It's a white one with a splash around the screen, red buttons and red blobby thing on top.


Yesterday, I started it. It was a girl and I called it Bobbi (don't ask why xD), and I played Jumping Rope with it and fed it and all that stuff.


Then, it grew to a toddler. It's a Mohitamatchi... a blob with a mohekan. I think I should've called it a different name...


It went to sleep at 7 or 8 ( I forget ), and then woke up at 9 (am). It had mail, so I opened it. I came down to the computer and logged into TamaTalk. Then my little Bobbi had a visitor!!! It was a Guest Character, goes by the name of 'Nanny'. They jumped up and left behind their little clouds of dust, and then a sign appeared on my screen: 'Away'. I was excited, cause it doesn't happen on V3s or V2s.


When she came back, she had a present!!!!


Now, I need to clean her cause she's done a poo... There we go!



More info either later on tonight, or tomorrow.



I know, I sound like a person who's just set eyes on a Tama, but trust me, I only wrote it like that to put some more... something into it.



Best Wishes



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I had some interesting mail yesterday...


A visit from the Tamagotchi King!! He gave me 400p.


I played Mimic and Jumping Rope. Then fed Bobbi xD.


I pressed the 3rd button (one to the right) and found out that when you do, your Tama dances!! It was sooooo funny.


Bobbi's sleeping right now, so when she wakes up I might have some more info xD.



Best Wishes



[SIZE=14pt]Now Bobbi's a teenager!!! She woke up and 'evolved'. She is now a Ichigotchi!!![/SIZE]
I had another visit from the King, and he gave me a present. It was a a heart chocolate.

Nothing else interesting...

barky xxx

My Tama has grown and is now an adult Violetchi :huh: / Furawatchi!

I've been robbed, had letters with poo in them, letters with hearts and visits from the King.

My Tama had the MatchMaker today, so now I have a little boy. (For those who are wondering, you get the MatchMaker when you are usually 7 years old.)

I also got my job ages ago. I'm a doctor. I get paid quite a lot!!! :wacko:

Nothing else, really.

barky xxx


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