My V4 Log!


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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2006
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Hello! I have been wanting to make a log for my new tamagotchi ever after my old one, Dylan, went back to Tamagotchi planet. She is already an adult, but I will just give you a quick description of her life. She was born on Wednesday, April 18, 2007. She was a girl (DUH!) and I planned to mate her with another tamagotchi. Luckily for me, mine was a girl, and the other was a boy.


I named her Lilly. I thought it was a cute name! :mellow: She was such a happy baby. She was in my sight all the time. I started connecting her with Joey, the tamagotchi I plan to mate her with. Then she evolved into a toddler. She was so cute. She was a puchitchi. I kept connecting with little Joey, and they had [SIZE=14pt]☺☺☺☺[/SIZE]before I knew it! She was such a good little girl. She was a little spoiled though, I must admit. :( At one point, she got a little over weight. I fixed that up right away though.


After a while, she evolved into a young memetchi. Wow, I was a proud mommy! How cute she was! I was really happy. I usually brought her to school, but one day I forgot and she got really sick. I fixed her up though, and she felt better, and after a few games of "Jump Rope" she was feeling perfect again!


Then, she evolved the night before yesterday (yesterday was April 21). She was a ponyitchi. Her little pony tail is just too cute! I love her. I connected right away with Joey and clicked visit. They started to watch the sunset, and they did what I least expected...THEY KISSED! I didn't know they did that! It was so cute. The smileys turned into [SIZE=14pt]♥♥♥♥[/SIZE] and I was so happy. The next day I figured they would mate, but we're still waiting, and I don't mind. I heard that they have to be 5 before they can mate, and she's only four, so I'm willing to wait until she gets older. Until then, I just say that Joey and Lilly are "engaged." Tama love is so cute.


Yay! Now I can tell you what is currently going on with Lilly! Here are her current stats. She is a little heavy, but that's because she just ate. After I'm done typing this, I plan to work her out.


Name: Lilly

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: ||||||

Pencil: 80

Flower: 27

Star: 52

Age: 4

Weight: 39

Gender: Girl (Once again, DUH!)

Generation: 1

Points: 7760 GP


Thanks for reading and sorry this is so long, but I had to write about her WHOLE life! I'll write more when something good happens so until then, stay tuned!





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Hello! Guess what?! Two amazing things happened to Lilly today! Well, yesterday, she was offered a job, so I looked at all the jobs she was offered and then decided to go look them up and decide which one I wanted. Then, the screen went away and it wouldn't let me choose a job! The next day [today] while I was at school, I was allowed to choose a job! I wanted to work at a theme park, but I couldn't. Then I tried working at a clothing store and I still couldn't. Then I clicked working at a hospital, and I was allowed! Yay! I'm really good at working there and I can't wait to see my pay check tomorrow!


The next good thing that happened to Lilly was....SHE MATED WITH JOEY!!! YAY!! Joey's owner was still at school and I heard him beeping. I went over to see what was wrong. I fixed him up, and then decided to connect Joey and Lilly. Then all of a sudden, I saw them both standing on their screens chaking back and forth. Then Joey went over to Lilly's screen and a heart went over their head and they started to kiss. Then both the screens went black and fireworks came. The black screen and fireworks went away and Joey went back to his screen. Lilly didn't look too good. She was sitting down with her eyes closed and was shaking. Then, she walked to the left side of the screen, and she gave birth to two adorable male twins! The babies started jumping around, and then one of them flew out of the screen and into Joey's. I am so excited. I am thinking of a name for him, and Joey's owner is thinking of a name for her baby. :)


I was working out Lilly today to burn all her fat. Here are her stats:


Name: Lilly

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Happiness: ♥♥♥♥

Training: ||||||

Pencil: 111

Flower: 28

Star: 60

Age: 5

Weight: 32lb

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Points: 8210 GP


Thanks for reading! I'll write more when something good happens! Stay tuned!

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Nothing too exciting happened today. She got her pay check from working at the hospital and I think it was 1,620 GP. :angry:

Cha-ching! I'm upset though because she is going back to Tamagotchi Planet tonight at 12:00. :( It's bitter-sweet though, because now I get to take care of her baby, and a part of her will always be alive in Tommy (that's what I decided to name her baby.) Here are her current stats, she is a little on the heavy side..she gets heavy when I take her to school because I can't start playing jump rope or something with her during school!


Name: Lilly

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Happiness: ♥♥♥♥

Training: ||||||

Pencil: 113

Flower: 31

Star: 64

Age: 6

Weight: 47lb

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Points: 9170 GP


I'll write more tomorrow!!

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*edit: quoted post removed *

As I requested, do not post in my log. Thank you for reading my log, but I would just prefer you not posting in it. Lilly was not an oldie ( :huh: ) when she left though. She was just a normal adult. Thanks for understanding.

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Sorry I haven't written in a while. Just to be brief, Tommy turned into an adult, and I will write more tomorrow, classifying what he is.



Okay, I can't write much now but I'll give you some information on Tommy's character. He is now an adult. When he was a teenager, he was a young androtchi. Now he is.....*drum rolls*......a Memetchi!!! Yay! I am so happy! Believe it or not, this is my first memtchi. I am so happy. It's so much cuter in person. :D



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Sorry I haven't written in a while. I've been really busy. I have time to write now, so I will take advantage of it. Tommy was a spoiled baby, as all my tamagotchis are. He is now an adult, and I'm proud to say he is a memetchi. Yay! I am so happy. He also got a job, one day after he transformed into an adult. He works at an amusment park. :) Cool, right? Here are his current stats. He is a little heavy because I don't have time to work him out during school. :p


Name: Tommy

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Happiness: ♥♥♥♥

Training: ||||||

Pencil: 60

Flower: 55

Star: 70

Age: 5

Weight: 48lb

Gender: Boy

Generation: 2

Points: 14,420 GP


I am going to work him out soon, so he will hopefully lose all his fat.. :angry: . Plans for his future? I was going to mate him with my friend, but she kept her tamagotchi on pause for too long and is still a toddler! I am just going to get him matched by the matchmaker. Hopefully he will find the woman of his dreams, the matchmaker hasn't failed for me before. *Knocks on wood.* That's all I have to write for now! Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more posts!


Just to refresh my one and only rule: Don't post here! Thank you.




PS. I changed my font color to light blue!! I love blue. :)

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Hello! Guess what?! Two amazing things happened to Lilly today! Well, yesterday, she was offered a job, so I looked at all the jobs she was offered and then decided to go look them up and decide which one I wanted. Then, the screen went away and it wouldn't let me choose a job! The next day [today] while I was at school, I was allowed to choose a job! I wanted to work at a theme park, but I couldn't. Then I tried working at a clothing store and I still couldn't. Then I clicked working at a hospital, and I was allowed! Yay! I'm really good at working there and I can't wait to see my pay check tomorrow! 

The next good thing that happened to Lilly was....SHE MATED WITH JOEY!!! YAY!! Joey's owner was still at school and I heard him beeping. I went over to see what was wrong. I fixed him up, and then decided to connect Joey and Lilly. Then all of a sudden, I saw them both standing on their screens chaking back and forth. Then Joey went over to Lilly's screen and a heart went over their head and they started to kiss. Then both the screens went black and fireworks came. The black screen and fireworks went away and Joey went back to his screen. Lilly didn't look too good. She was sitting down with her eyes closed and was shaking. Then, she walked to the left side of the screen, and she gave birth to two adorable male twins! The babies started jumping around, and then one of them flew out of the screen and into Joey's. I am so excited. I am thinking of a name for him, and Joey's owner is thinking of a name for her baby. :D


I was working out Lilly today to burn all her fat. Here are her stats:


Name: Lilly

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Happiness: ♥♥♥♥

Training: ||||||

Pencil: 111

Flower: 28

Star: 60

Age: 5

Weight: 32lb

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Points: 8210 GP


Thanks for reading! I'll write more when something good happens! Stay tuned!
wow! my was only 2 years old when it had 200 pencil 100 stars and 126 flower! lol now its 4 and has triple what it has! :eek:

Thanks I was wondering if they could have mate when they were just 3 so thanks alot my problem is solve! <_< I'm so happy!Now that I know that they can only mate when they're 5 I would just have to wait and wait!


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