my v4 log


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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2005
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I have a tamagotchi connexion v1, connections v2 and v3 and a new connexion v4! i think the connections are better but oh well lol. I also have one of those japanese entamas from my trip there, and they're just like the v4s but i lost it so i wont be able to play on it anyways.

I use my v4 at the moment. It's called Joff. I dont know what character names i have for my v4 cus it doesnt say but i had the blue toddler near the mametchi chart and the probably young androtchi teen if thats what its called (it looks like a young androtchi). now i have a gozarutchi but its only 3 so i dont really get it but ah well lol. i have to hide my tama at school because my friends dont like them and i dont like being embarrassed lol

i play on my tama in the toilets at break and lunch lol and then i go on tamatown at home. my brother watches but i'm not alllowed to show my v4 cus they'll moan n stuff but i make sure i logout when he's not looking:p

I'll bring more news soon

Well i figured the connexion buttons dont work as well as the connection ones because my tama is really annoying me when i enter passwords, press b and then it hasnt gone to the next digit so i have to do mine all over again! oh well, i guess the young tama owners dont notice

I'm on tamatown, and my tama decided to show its face and stop being lazy in bed lol

oh yes and remember people of the uk we must use tamatown not tamagotchi europe because it has more stuff coming soon on tamagotchieurope but it still works on tamatown :huh:


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