My V4 Log- The Reawakening


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Well-known member
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
Okay. Here's the deal. I used to play with tamagotchis alot, but I quit. Now it's winter break, and I've decided to fiddle with my tamas again. I kinda forgot alot about tamas, so bear with me. I hope I don't kill my tama... :furawatchi:

Also, I'll pause it alot, since I don't have as much patience with my tama as I used to. I know, it won't grow a lot, but eventually, it will!

So here I go!

Uh-oh. How do I unpause it again?? :furawatchi: Aha, I did it. Phew. Let's see.... hmm why is my little fellow falling? Aww... poor thing. Time for... umm... stats?


Name: Stacy

Age: 6



Training: 4 Bars

Weight: 36 pounds

Gender: Girl

Generation: 10th

Woah, are you kidding me? Huh... I wonder if she's nearing the age where she can have a baby... also I wonder what type of tama she is. I have no idea. Heh?

I bought a chest from the store... my tama turned into a... baby? >.< Haha strange...

Oh no! My tama isn't happy at all! What happened? How do I make her happy again? Better visit the forum... bye for now.

Man, that was bad. So, you know how my tama's happiness was drained after I used the chest...? Well... I tried to make it happy again, by feeding her a orange. One of the hearts was filled. Obviously, that wasn't enough, so I fed it a melon. And you know what happened? It made a strange face, and when I checked her happiness, all of her hearts were empty again!

Well, now I just learned that it could be my tama's least favorite food. Okay, I guess I won't touch the melon again... >.< I played jump rope with her (thank goodness I still know how to play this game) and all of her hearts are full again! Crisis averted! :furawatchi:

Hmm... taking care of a tama is actually pretty tedious. Is that why I quit? Well, I'll just pause it, and play it again tomorrow!
