My v4 log! read about all my tamas!


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Well-known member
Jun 6, 2006
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[SIZE=14pt] Hi! and welcome to my log! .... xD sorry my other log kinda died.... but i will try to keep this one alive for as long as i can! Any ways to start i hae a Glow-in- the-dark v4 and it is a girl young Memetchi gen1 she is asleep currently in the cradle i made her! lol, not a very good one but it will do. i orderd a Uk Unitedkingdom) v4 it has been 2 weeks since i orderd it :) it said it should come 3-5 days so where is it? :D Mumy (my v4 ) should evolve tomarrow! what will she be? anyways sorry GTG (got to go!) :D [/SIZE]

1/30/07- Hello, Ihave bad news Mumy died today in school.. :furawatchi: thtas the second time one of my v4s have died!! is it me or v4s harder to keep alive? Anyways i re-hatched my v4 it was a boy but i didn't see it when it hatched so he has a girl name i named him *Drum Roll* ..... Ompu! cute isn't it? :furawatchi: Ompu is now a...! lol, i was gnna say he be she..he will evolve tomarrow t about 12:00 noon what will he be? 0.o this is one reason i love tamagotchi you never know what you are gonna get!</ PLz be a Grugrumetchi or young kuchipatchi * crosses fingers* just a quick update! #MIMITCHI# :furawatchi: :furawatchi:

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yes! just as i thought, Ompu is now a....

S..I..M..A..S..I..M..A..T..C..H..I..!!! yah! now i have a wonderfull shimashimatchi! i have never had one before so this is a wonderful experience! i borrowed my friend's v4 who is a( Memetchi :p ) the will have baies tomarrow what will they be? his skill points are ( 40 Intellegence, 53 style and 68 kindness! ) iknow i'm not great at takeing care of tamas but i shure do try.. :D Um oh! i forgot to tell you guys because my Uk v4 still hasn't come my mom took me to *Walmart* an i got another tamagotchiv4 the {pink /w/ stripes} I got it because i really don't care for pink so i thought i should try adapt to it it is currently a girl *shirotusbutchi* named Kauai and i'm sure she and i will have some wonderful adventures... But i still wish that Uk would come oh well theres always tomarrow.. ;) -Mimitchi-

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his daughter Luna turned into a Hanatchi i'm not playing whith any tamagotchis right now because i'm very sick i let my friend take care of it sorry for not [posting.....] i'll post when i have my tama back and am felling better..... ^_^

his daughter Luna turned into a Hanatchi i'm not playing whith any tamagotchis right now because i'm very sick i let my friend take care of it sorry for not [posting.....] i'll post when i have my tama back and am felling better..... :eek:
hello :eek: long time no see eh,? ..... i'm going to start up another v4 tomarrow a sunflowers v4! if its a girl i'm aiming for Maikoko! :huh: i really want a cool character, i have missed my tamagotchis i never play whith them when i don't feel good.. I'm going to my dads house but don't worrry i'll be back whith updates soon... ^.^ i still don't feel very well but i will start my tama tomarrow! i just got the riseing sun v4 today sitting on my table in its package i can't wait till they come out whith new colors! if its a boy ( Butch) if its a girl (Maiko) see you in a couple days! ---- #mimitchi# :huh:

[SIZE=14pt] Hello, the sunflowers v4 is a girl i named her Maiko she is currently a Maidtchi and is 4yrs old, her is her growth : ( Shirotusubutchi >> Harutch >> Ringotchi >> Maidtchi ) pics soon! she is a fashon desighner (i think) :) she matches clothes so i dunno??? the matchmaker sould come on Monday!!! my Uk v4 still hasn't come its been over five weeeks now so where is it!!!!? #mimitchi# - p.s. i just got a awsome game for my Nintendo DS! Pokemon Ranger!! but the bad thing is i can't play it now because my Ds is at my dad's house and he isn't home.... see u tommarrow![/SIZE]
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[SIZE=14pt] Sorry for not posting for awhile :marumimitchi: nothing has happend because my tamagotchi is on pause... I'm takeing a break from them for awhile ( about 2 months) sorry see you then![/SIZE]

lol, mabe this log stuff isn't for me , can some one close this please i'll make a blog


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