My V4.5 Log


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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
Michigan City, IN 46360
Well, i'm proud to say i finally managed to get myself a Tamagotchi Connection V4.5. I got it last night after a long day of cleaning gutters in Knox, IN and I'm enjoying it alot so far.

I bought it at meijers last night and after 5 minutes of looking through the color choices i picked out a egg, it's a red snake skin egg and it's gorgeous. I didn't start it last night as i was way too tired too so i waited till this morning.

I woke up at a very early 8am to partake in Tamagotchi Social Sphere's holiday group hatch and set the date, clock, birth date and user name then waited for the egg to hatch. After a few minutes the egg hatched and a little tsubutchi hatched. It hatched as a boy so i named my newest tama Kah... after my favorite character from the jungle book movie (i like snakes).

I quickly fed him four meals and tried out the climb game. It took a few tries but i managed to beat the game, quite fun indeed. I didn't stay long to chat as i had to get ready for thanksgiving with my moms side of the family (sanity won't be here for me today). Around 9am Kah changed into Hitodetchi and has been quiet for most of the day. I'm allready enjoying this tama and plan on getting another v4.5 here soon to keep kah company... but for the time being my other 2 tama's (V3 and V4) will have to keep him company for the time being.

Right now family is over and i'm being annoyed beyond my normal annoyed state, kah, haiku and chiro are keeping me company till they leave. I'll post more later tonight after everyone leaves and i become sane again.

ok, my family is gone so here is the rest of todays log.

Kah has been through alot today, he got to see my family at it's worst and got to meet my annoying cousins nick and haily... who spent a majority of there time pestering in the basement while i surfed the net. Kah, durring this time, got 3 time outs and 2 praises so his bar is half full now... and even though it's almost 10pm he's still up since i have alot i want to do yet tonight and i want him to be up durring it all^-^

Right now were both listening to Weird Al's White and Nerdy... trying to let him listen to my wide array of music... from country to plain old rock n roll.

Tragedy did hit while family was here... my cousin nick found my V3 and V4 (lucky for me i had Kah in my pocket) and by the time i caught him he had put them in the toilet. So i need to invest in some batteries this week for them before kah will have any tama's to connect to.

I'm really loving the new games on the v4.5, i can win both climb and tug-o-war without trying now and can't wait for him to change tomorrow into his teen stage. I'm wondering what adult i'm gonna get and if i can i'll try making my own growth chart saying what skills make your tama change into what character. Mind you this will take some time to complete but i'm up for the task at hand.

Well, i'm off for the night... me and kah have some mroe sites to visit befor he and i head off to bed.

p.s. if anyone wants to post in my log then go ahead. I like hearing from other tama lovers.

Ok, this morning started off with a bang. I got up, had a bite to eat and went out for my morning smoke when little Kah changed. I had no clue what i would get but i ended up with crackertchi...

What are my thoughts on this tama? he's adorable^-^ I haven't had a chance to play any of the new games (or even see what new games there are) yet but i will later on when he losses another happy heart. Right after changing he got a time out bringing him one step closer to having a full discipline bar!

About an hour after he changed though he got a letter from preschool saying he graduated and could go onto normal school... after thinking about it for a moment i chose Mrs. Flower as his teacher... gonna just go with the flow and see what adult i get since i have absolutely no idea about the V4.5 yet.

I'll post again later on... kah's gonna spend some time outside with me while i rake leaves, clean the gutters and put up christmas lights for my dad.

ok, the lights are up, the gutters are clean and the lawn is leaf free... time for an update of today.

Kah had fun watching my freeze my butt off followed guickly by a hot bath to warm back up. He recieved a few more praises and time outs durring this time which made his discipline bar FULL!!!! Soon after i visited tama town and got kah 9900 gp bringing his gp total to 29830gp. So i'm gonna splurge a bit and buy a few plain tickets when they show up in the shop.

I also got a few more items while in tamatown including bar bells, a ladder, screw driver, hammer and some other items.

Right now kah is happy and content... as well as in bed. So i'll post tomorrow after i get home from class on kah's progress.


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