My v4.5 Diary


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Well-known member
Dec 16, 2008
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This is my diary

Time: 2:30

Date: Sunday, Dec. 14, 2008

Egg is bobbing up and down. I AM EXCITED! La la! Oooh! it hatched.

Gender: Boy

Name: Mooki

I feed the tama well. The I check the shop. I play Climb for a while, but then hes sick! I give him some medicine. I play some more. Oh, hes hungry again!!! I feed him more. I connect with my sister's tama's: E and Megan. Yay! I play climb some more and then I get a chest. I got a banana.... Oh boy! He's taking a nap...

Okay, he woke up. Only took about 5-10 minutes. I feed him more and check the shop. Nothing much.

I'm back.


Age: 1

Date: Dec 14 still

He evolved after his nap. I don't exactly know what hes called. Okay, its night he fell asleep. I'll see him in the morning...

Age: 2

Date: Dec 15

I have to go to school so hes on pause. But I woke him up and fed him.

I'm back (P.S. I started late but this is pretty much what happened im not kidding)

He evolved while I was playing a game into some little flower. Oh yeah he has a girlfriend but she is still a toddler. Her name is Lily.

Dec 16

He stayed off of pause all day so when I got home he looked kind of mad so I took care of him. Oh boy... I played some games and bought stuff at the shop. Now I'm going to connect him.

Date 17


I'm on the computer. Its... 8:59. WHA--???? O my! Mookie evolved into this guy with curls and a mask! How cool! I just used the honey on him and he is dancing around with hearts. I conected with Lily. Yay!

Date still 17


Nothing much with Mookie EXCEPT HE LOOKS LIKE A GIRL BUT HE IS A BOY! I just connected my v4 with him the v4's name is baby... I also got the pen, steak, clone, cd3 and cell phone. The clone is cool but can someone PM me to say how many times I can use them? (duh, steak only once and cd3 prob. forever) Right now Mooki is jumping up and down. Oh and when I got home from school he was sitting next to a Christmas tree. Its cool! Hee hee. I just bought building blocks yay! I'm going to use them... *is using blocks* He likes it!!! See you later... Or soon. OH HE BUILDED A HOUSY-WOUSE! lol!!!

Ooh I found out that Mooki is a Celebtchi!!! Yay! Remember, he is a boy.

Mooki: Hi... You know, this name is weird, huh...

Yes I know, Mooki. I'll try to get pictures of how cute he and his girlfriend look!

Anyway, he and his girlfriend are on a date right now. They are bouncing a ball. Oh, Lily left. They have 4 smilies because Lily is still a teen.

My first Status Report!

Hunger: 4 stars

Happy: 4 stars

Training: 4 blocks

Jobs: Smiley= 42, Star=20, Fist=28

Age: 3

Weight: 81 (lets stop snacking, kay? I better play some games...)

Points: 550 (WHAT!? I just spent 1400 on some blocks! What do you expect!?)

Yahoo! He's friends with a Christmas tree that sparkles! I have to go now, so I'll catch you later!


Now, you...

Mooki: *smiles* He's nice!

Okay, lets go, we have to leave...

Mooki: Yay! We're dancing!



Mooki's thoghts:

Hi I'm Mooki and somehow you are reading my thoughts. Well goody for you. This Christmas tree visited me 4 times today! He's nice but he doesn't talk. Maybe he visits me cuz I'm cool. Catch'cha later! Bye!

Okay, Mooki, time to leave that durn tree alone. You've been with him for almost 30 minutes...

Mooki: But I don't wanna...

Stop being foolish now I'm just going to press a but-


*beep* There. Anyway, Lily is coming over for a date

Mooki: NOOO! He was my best friend! He told me jokes!

Christmas Tree: .... Mooki: AHAHAHAAA! Stop it really you're cracking me up! Hee hee ooh that was a good one...
Really, Lily is coming over....

*doorbell rings*

Thats her! Now go get the door.

Lily: ... where is he?

*door flings open*

Mooki: Oh hi, Lily. We having that date?

Lily: Yes, infact we are having it at Le Tama (resurant)

Mooki: Please don't remind me of that name (it came from HIS allowance...)

Lily: Lets go

Mooki: No. I got my money back and cancelled the reservations.........

Lily: Gah! Oh then, we'll have it in your kitchen *rolls eyes*

Mooki: Fine. I'm sorry, Lil

Lily: Lets go...

*in the kitchen...*

Next Post: The date! STAY TUNED...

Just so you know Lily is now a teen Apple thingy...

Mooki, weren't you supposed to go to Le Tama?

Mooki: *flinches and eye twiches* Yes, but I stopped the reservation. You know, I still need money for our wed- I mean food...

Lily: Whatever lets eat

....Foods ready!

Mooki and Lily: Yum! *eats lots of food*


Dear Diary,

Lily sure is mad. I am mad too. Stupid Monchi scared away Mr. Tree. Yes, you read right, I named him! I want to marry Lily so much she is hot. She is beautiful. Wait... what if she is an ugly adult? O no then I can't marry her! Oh well, I still like her. It's too bad she left.



Mr. Tree's thoughts: He is stupid. He knows I can't talk right? What was his name...? Mooki? Ah, well. I'll see him later...

Mooki: I called Lily and shes said she was taking a bath... (really in real life) and that mean old Baby guy that I met I called too. HE SAW MR. TREE! AND NOW THEY'RE TALKING! Gosh...

Settle down. He's just a tree.


Well, he is...

Mooki: Oh nevermind, I'm bored

Mooki's Status:

Hunger: 4 hearts

Happy: 4 hearts

weight: still 81 lbs.


Hey there! Only 7 days!

Mooki: zzzzz...

Oopsie.... he sleepin'....

Isn't he adorable when he sleeps even though the lights are off?

Hey, You know how I said I might get a picture of my two sweet hearts? Well it is a promise now. So I'll beg my dad to upload it and then delete it on the camera...

Mooki is still sleeping.


Mooki's Dream:

Lily: Hi Mooki!

Mooki: L-Lil-yy--yyyyy.... W-will you marry m-me...?

Lily: Oh yes!

Mooki: Lets get married tomorrow!

Lily: Ooohhh, Mook-k-k-iiiiii.... I don't f-e *voice gets deeper and floor caves in* feel well...

Mooki: LILY!!! *falls into hole* AAAHH!

Lily: Mooki! I love you!

Mooki: I love you too! Grab my hand!

Lily: *grabs hand* Pull me up!

Mooki: *pulls up*

Lily: Woah...

Mooki: Woah...


Mooki's Second Dream

Mr. Tree: ...

Mooki: You are mean! You went with Baby and not me! HUMPH!

Mr. Tree: ....

Mooki: Oh, so you can't talk, huh? Giving me the silent treatment! Grr

Mr. Tree: ...

Mooki: He really CAN'T talk!

Mr. Tree: Oh yes I can.

Mooki: :)


Mooki: Me and Lily are engaged.

OMG, can you believe it? Lily (sadly is ugly) but turned into an adult! Now they have 4 hearts! YAY! Oh yeah and Mooki is being offered a job.

Mooki: Need to play more games!!

He's bored.

Mooki: Ya think!? I want to call someone.

Ok, later

Mooki: Fine. I'm going with my clone

Lily's gonna think you like someone else...

Mooki: Nah, she can't see me!


Mooki: Hey that reminds me...

Mooki's Second Dream

Mr. Tree: ...

Mooki: You are mean! You went with Baby and not me! HUMPH!

Mr. Tree: ....

Mooki: Oh, so you can't talk, huh? Giving me the silent treatment! Grr

Mr. Tree: ...

Mooki: He really CAN'T talk!

Mr. Tree: Oh yes I can.

Mooki:  :lol:  
Mooki is doing nothing. Hey where is he?


Mooki: So... like Lily, you met Mr. Tree?

Lily: I sure did...


If you aren't sure who Mr. Tree is I'll try to find a link to him...

Still don't got a picture of a tam with a christmas tree.

If you are reading this, PLEASE send a PM on how to get my tams married.

Mooki: Hey! I'm not getting married until Lily gets some plastic surgery!

Lily: Well its not my fault its stupid Monchi's fault! Thats why I look like this chump: ;)

Mooki: I have looks...

Lily: Maybe Monchi coulda taken better care of me...

Well, SAH-REEEE! I leave you on when I go to school so you GROW! Sheesh, I acctually thought you would be a Mametchi...

Lily: I wish I was...

Mooki: Then go marry one!


Monchi's thoughts: They better not get divorced...

Lily: Lets connect one more time but you BETTER kiss me!!!

Mooki: Ok!

Lily's comin over. They watching sunset. Lily didn't kiss Mooki. Mooki got a flower.


Lily: Sorry, I had a lot on my mind. WHo would take the babies?

Mooki: Monchi? Answer?

Well, you might have twins....

Lily: IF I get married...

Yeah yeah whatever...

Mooki's Diary


Dear Diary,

I went to Tama Town for the second time! Yay! I wish I had taken Lily, but I can't, Mom says its "A FAMILY TIME". We played dart, ring toss, claw, and race. I got some stuff, too!


*edit: Oops! I forgot to put MOOKI not MONCHI*

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Mooki is sleeping. But I have better news! Lily finally is age 4 so now I'll make them get married! Don't worry, I won't connect without you readers.

Mooki: zzzz...Lileh....marry....zzzz...

Lily sleeping next to him:

Wow... they're excited! :furawatchi:
