My V3 Tamagotchi Log!


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Nov 25, 2006
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Heylo everyone! I've decided to start a log about Bobby, my first Tamagotchi on v3. I had a v1, but I lost it, and Bobby is the first Tama I've had in a while. Alright, enough rambling, time to start!


I got a Version: 3 Tamagotchi on November 21st, 2006: A Sunday. As soon as I got home, I opened the package and pulled out the tab. I then set the date, time, everything and waited for my egg to hatch.

As I sat there, I thought about possible names. If it was a girl, I would name her Star, and while I pondered the boy name, the egg hatched. It turned out to be a boy, so I had to quickly come up with a name.

I thought about the name Bob, and then changed my mind to 'Bobby'. I punched in the letters and began feeding Bobby and playing with him, being sure to give him snacks in between.

Well, Bobby grew up into a toddler, and then a teenager. All the while, I grew close to the little guy, closer then I had ever gotten to any version one Tama I had before him. To this day, Bobby is an adult. He is five years old, and should be expecting a visit from the matchmaker any day now.


(After Bobby passes away, I wil continue to type/write about his future children. Let's all hope they get his personaltiy! Comments are welcome, tell me how I'm doing!)

Alright, it's the next morning, and I have some more news about Bobby. Last night, a couple minutes before Bobby went to bed, his age changed to 6 years. The matchmaker should be coming soon to bring Bobby a son/daughter.

Right now, Bobby is just doing his normal thing; bouncing around the screen. Oh, and by the way, if you want to see what Bobby looks like, my user icon is Bobby's species.

If the matchmaker comes later on today, I'll post another reply telling everyone about it.

Thanks, and be sure to leave comments!!

I'm going to post Bobby's current information for his stats since I haven't done so yet.

Version: v3

Keychain: Red with yellow around the screen, blue hearts on the yellow.

Age: 6 years

Training: 5 bars

Weight: 35lbs

Generation: 1st

Current amount of points: 4486p


The time is 10:48am...I'm nervous.. The matchmaker might be coming in about ten minutes.

I'll post again if she does!

PLEASE leave comments. I feel as if I'm talking to a wall...Or a computer screen. ;D

No Matchmaker...Yet.

She might be here at the other times today. Who knows!

Ah well, I'm glad Bobby will be around for a bit longer. <3

Nice log! :lol: May my tamagotchi Tai say hi?

Hi Bobby! I'm Tai! I am a Hiratchi. :) I am an adult too (I changed this morning!) and I'm 3 years old. You sound cool Bobby (not to mention your owner Lilkaykay109!). ;) See you around?


I understand how you feel close to Bobby. :) You know how you said, "Ah well, I'm glad Bobby will be around for a bit longer. <3"? I've had that feeling too. I used to have this tamagotchi Tammy....I loved her SO much! I made the mistake of accepting teh matchmaker. She had a baby, and a few nights later she was gone. I took rotten care of the baby, thinking it was her fault Tammy left. And that day I cryed and the next day I cryed..I wrote stories about Tammy and I wrote poems about her. Wanna hear one? I wrote it a long time's kind of retarted. ;)

You were my one and only

I feel lost with out you, by my side

I think I'll go to run and hide

With you gone, I feel so small

When you were around, I felt so tall

Now I'm lost

Without you

I don't understand

Why did you have to goooo??

You were my sunshine on a rainy day

We had time, to go and play

But now your gone

I feel so lost

Come back to meeeeeee!

My baby....

See?? I have no idea what pushed me to write that but I did.......about Tammy. That's how much I loved her. I still remember the day I woke up, looked at her screen, and there was only one little 'z' floating. For days I didn't feel the same....and when was asked what's wrong, I told. People thought it was silly to cry and be upset over the loss of a tamagotchi. But I don't find it silly. :p

*Tgd and Tai*

Nice log! :lol: May my tamagotchi Tai say hi?
Hi Bobby! I'm Tai! I am a Hiratchi. :) I am an adult too (I changed this morning!) and I'm 3 years old. You sound cool Bobby (not to mention your owner Lilkaykay109!). ;) See you around?


I understand how you feel close to Bobby. :) You know how you said, "Ah well, I'm glad Bobby will be around for a bit longer. <3"? I've had that feeling too. I used to have this tamagotchi Tammy....I loved her SO much! I made the mistake of accepting teh matchmaker. She had a baby, and a few nights later she was gone. I took rotten care of the baby, thinking it was her fault Tammy left. And that day I cryed and the next day I cryed..I wrote stories about Tammy and I wrote poems about her. Wanna hear one? I wrote it a long time's kind of retarted. ;)

You were my one and only

I feel lost with out you, by my side

I think I'll go to run and hide

With you gone, I feel so small

When you were around, I felt so tall

Now I'm lost

Without you

I don't understand

Why did you have to goooo??

You were my sunshine on a rainy day

We had time, to go and play

But now your gone

I feel so lost

Come back to meeeeeee!

My baby....

See?? I have no idea what pushed me to write that but I did.......about Tammy. That's how much I loved her. I still remember the day I woke up, looked at her screen, and there was only one little 'z' floating. For days I didn't feel the same....and when was asked what's wrong, I told. People thought it was silly to cry and be upset over the loss of a tamagotchi. But I don't find it silly. :p

*Tgd and Tai*
(Srry to enter your log like this)

Thats cool!! Tgd and Tai!

Thanks for the comments! When Bobby leaves, I'm sure I'll cry. I can't imagine life without him.

Right now, Bobby still hasn't gotten a visit from the matchmaker. I'm thinking she's coming tomorrow, when he'll be seven years old.

Bobby say's hi, and he'll see you around soon. ;D

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OMG! The MatchMaker came at 7:00pm, which was five minutes ago. Bobby now has a daughter. :] Anyone know what I should name her when Bobby is gone? (Sadly)

Bobby left last night while I was asleep. D: He was eight years old. I miss him a lot. ;)

I decided to name his baby girl 'Fire'. It's a long story about why I chose the name...Maybe one day I'll decide to explain. xD

She's a toddler right now, and I'm going to change my avatar to her picture. I'll edit when I do.


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