My v3 tama!


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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2005
Reaction score
My v3 is the blue camo, itz a bit boyish even though i'm a grrl bu ti dont care. it arrived on Monday and i hatched my grrl baby Anna like me.

Life stages so far:

Teletchi (girl) > Tamatchi > Poriroritchi or summin like dat.

She has over 2500 points.

i have some pass words for u...

6119957673 0781200647 4478245145 0558257542 805907134 1997201643 5092680497

1191880232 3847873986 8822823258 4902826967 1223872830 5277224438 9083045358

2317236999 4650010922 9248418289 9123610036 7556674639 8042040414 7745482704

6944408753 0321475888

Thanks 4 da passwords, but they only work on u!

back 2 ma log,

i gave da king 500points to waste, got some items and am 16 points away from getting the shoes.

Anna evolved into a Memetchi today!!!

I got lots of points for passwords.

Now i have about 25 items!


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