my V3 tama log


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Mar 21, 2006
Reaction score
it was 11:06 when my Tamagotchi egg hatched. It surprised me when I found out it was a boy because my friend said you usually don't get them. She was wrong! i named him Nick. I fed him his first meal - Sushi. In an hour or two he evolved into a Mizutamatchi. I was sooooo excited! I played a ton of games with him and at the end of the day, had 1,237 GP (Gotchi Points). The next morning I woke up to have found a Obotchi! He is very loveable. He is now 2 years old. :blink:

my Obotchi evolved into an Kuchipatchi! it's 4 years old and there are nopw 6 games.

it says that nick is very romantic but lazy! i really don't want him to be lazy!!!!!!

tonite, nick did barely anyhting. he makes kissing faces to the tamagotchi screen! eeeeeeeewwwwww! the matchmaker should come in 3-4 days. see you next post! :angry:


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