My V3 log


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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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Hi everybody! This is my V3 log, but will also be my V4 log if I ever get a V4 we go! I have two V3's, just to let you know. NOTE: Some parts of this log will but like a story, but it is a log and what has happened to them.

CRACK! The colorful egg hatched open. Out hopped a baby boy! At once, I fell in love with him. I stroked the translucent pink V3 egg container and said to myself, "What would be a good name?" After awhile of thinking, I decided to name him Tama. Yes, a very classical name! He progressed very well as a baby, and before long he changed into a toddler. He was....was....a Mizutamathi! I couldn't be happier. For the rest of the night though, I had to have Tama on pause for I had grown busy. I had him on pause until the next morning, and while I was expecting for a change from toddler to teen, Tama sulked at me. The morning went along smoothly, and still no change. I finally realized that it takes two days for the change between toddler to teen. I was upset becuase I really was hoping for a teenager. I paused Tama, and went off to school. That night was pretty quiet and boring for Tama. So I decided to play soem games with him. Tama went to sleep promptly at 8:00pm, and I was relieved to see this. I didn't want him grumpy in the morning! xD When morning came, I was so happy to see the change! Tama had evolved into a teenager! he was now a Obotchi. It's been two days since that event, and stil lno adult change. Can I blame him? He's been on pause quite alot.

Introduction for my other V3 coming soon! :)


A small baby boy tama stared up at me with shining wide eyes, ready to be named. Tori, my old V3 tama, had left her baby here with me. I named him Jello, thinking it was a suitable name for him :) I played some games with him, following his 5 minute nap. I wasn't surprised that when he changed into a toddler, that he changed into the same one as Tama. (This is random) I think I like Tama's egg container better. Jello's egg container is artic camo, and even though it nice I like the translucent pink better. :D Anyhow, two days later Jello made a change into a teen. He's a Nikatchi! He's still a Nikatchi now, and hasn't seemd to age that much. It's only one years old. x.x I'll have to wait awhile until his final stage.

Thats it for now!



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